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  • How do you handle conflicts or disagreements within your team as a leader?

    14 replies


    Hey @neha_8! Listen to all perspectives carefully to understand the root of the disagreement before making decisions.
    Naomi | Beeyond AI
    People can have differing opinions and that's fine. I just try to make sure that every opinion is heard and respected. That usually helps to minimize conflicts to begin with In case a conflict emerges regardless, I try to understand the root cause, dig deeper into what the main source of conflict is and try to sort it out there. It's a case by case approach.
    Christoph Dyllick-Brenzinger
    The main point is to understand the real issue behind the conflict. Is it purely about facts, or are hurt feelings and disappointment at play? In my experience, most team conflicts are more about emotions than factual disagreements. Therefore, it’s crucial to take the time to communicate openly and extensively. My secret: TALK TALK TALK...
    Launching soon!
    @christoph_dyllick_brenzinger1 Thank you for sharing your experience, yes I agree 90% with you but 10% still conflict occur due to disagreement or misunderstanding.
    Joseph Walker
    Open communication is key. I have weekly 1:1s with each team member to proactively surface any concerns. When conflicts arise, I bring the parties together to discuss the issues objectively, find common ground, and agree on solutions. Transparency, active listening, and a focus on shared goals help tremendously in working through disagreements.
    Abhra Ch.
    Hey @neha_8! 😄 Handling conflicts within a team can be tricky, but as a leader, I believe in open communication and creating a safe space for everyone to express their views. Encouraging active listening and finding common ground helps in resolving disagreements effectively. What strategies have you found useful? 😊
    Owen Michael Donovan
    I try to create an environment of open communication and mutual respect where team members feel comfortable expressing differing views. When conflicts arise, I bring the relevant parties together to discuss the issues objectively, find common ground, and brainstorm solutions that address everyone's key concerns. The goal is not to avoid disagreements but to see them as opportunities for the team to challenge assumptions, get all perspectives on the table, and arrive at the best path forward together. Investing time upfront to really listen to each other and work through conflicts thoughtfully pays dividends in the long run in terms of team cohesion and making good decisions.
    Launching soon!
    As a leader, I approach conflicts or disagreements within my team by fostering an open and respectful dialogue. I encourage team members to voice their perspectives freely and listen actively to understand the underlying concerns. By seeking common ground and focusing on solutions rather than blame, we work together to find mutually acceptable resolutions.
    As a leader, I prioritize open communication and active listening to understand all perspectives. I aim to find common ground and facilitate a solution that aligns with our team's goals and values.
    Tanya Sharath
    Address conflicts early to prevent escalation and maintain team harmony, promoting a positive work environment.
    My3 Murthy
    release it- some people like talking, some people like taking some time & processing the situation by themselves. Once that is done- sit down & communicate- chat. It is important to hear every perspective before taking a decision
    Jade Grimwood
    Ask Marlee! We have a platform that helps you best understand things like "how to give feedback" or "how to resolve conflict". Taking into account the motivations of both you and your team - it helps this very thing. Super super powerful to share a common language around how to interact and communicate, but also very practical when it comes to resolution. Check it out at getmarlee.com
    Gurkaran Singh
    Handling conflicts in my team is like fine-tuning code - it requires patience, precision, and a sprinkle of debugging to find the root cause and smooth things out smoothly!