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  • How do you handle conflicting feedback from potential customers during the market validation stage?

    6 replies
    I've been getting conflicting feedback from potential customers during the market validation stage, and it's making it hard to decide on the right direction for my product. Has anyone faced a similar challenge, and how did you navigate through it to find a clear path forward?


    Danielle Williams
    Are you doing batch validation? I'd start a new segment of your validation stage, with your feedback data as it stands now, and then update your questions to attempt reconciling the feedback - or discover if there's sub-groups within your market and what is influencing the separation. I wouldn't mix this new data with the old though, unless you end up taking to the same people, to ensure there aren't any other variables in the new conversations that could also be impacting the results.
    priyanka prasad
    I'll approach more customers with the same set of questions and have a bigger base to get my answer of what majority thinks
    Narmina Balabayli
    As Michael Seibel once said, hold tight to the problem and customers, hold loosely to the solution. This means that while the features and products you're building can change, the problems that customers face remain constant. So, listen to your customers and don't fall in love with your product. It's okay to pivot.
    Amit Arora
    It happens and is pretty normal. Talk to some more. But do make sure that you are asking the right questions. Then also use your gut instincts :) Try silencing your mind. More silent and calm you are more you will be able to see the picture with clarity.
    Gurkaran Singh
    Navigating conflicting feedback during market validation is like debugging code - it can be puzzling at first, but once you isolate the issues, the path forward becomes clearer. Embrace the challenge, iterate, and watch your product evolve!