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  • How do you handle a heavy workload efficiently?

    Ghost Kitty
    15 replies
    In my experience, a strategy that has proven effective for me is recognizing the importance of each task and understanding the impact on the company's objectives. This helps me prioritize and create a well-structured list of tasks. And by avoiding multitasking, I minimize the likelihood of errors and ensure my full attention on each task!


    The Eisenhower Matrix and other mental frameworks are really supportive for me. I can schedule and plan low hanging fruits, vital improvements and big rocks more efficiently. I mostly prioritize unblocked low hanging fruits with the highest outcome for the company.
    I find the following strategies useful: 1) always prioritize your tasks based on impact and complexity. High impact tasks deserve your immediate attention. 2) break complex tasks into manageable chunks. This promotes progress and reduces overwhelm. 3) embrace tools that aid in project management and version control - they are your best friends in this digital battlefield!
    Set realistic deadlines and create a schedule that can help you divide and prioritize each task of the day so that the urgent and important tasks can receive the attention that they deserve.
    Jovana Madjovska
    For me, it is vital to be aware of my present capabilities, including my energy levels, skill sets, and knowledge. This enables me to set achievable goals within a defined timeframe, and determine a suitable workload. Additionally, effectively handling distractions and taking regular short breaks play a significant role in maintaining focus and overall productivity!
    Igor Lysenko
    The more workload you have on the department, the more practical it is to break them down into small subtasks. Agree that small tasks are easier to solve than the whole big task at once
    Elissa Craig
    HUGE fan of a segmented task list. I love to break my big tasks up into a bunch of smaller, more feasible ones so I can cross things off more frequently. It always gives me a little bit of a boost when I get to cross something off and makes me feel like I am working towards my end goal more tangibly.
    Break down tasks into smaller sprints. Set aside time for deep work. Block or stay away from distractions. Find an accountability partner to work with.
    Sunny Kumar
    Break down the task on the basis of priority.
    Oswald Soto
    I prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance, breaking them down into manageable steps. Utilizing time management tools, such as to-do lists and calendars, helps me stay organized and maintain a steady, efficient workflow.
    Sakshi Gahlawat
    1. Create a to-do list or use a task management tool to prioritize your work based on deadlines and importance. Focus on completing high-priority tasks first. 2. Minimize distractions that can eat up your time and disrupt your workflow. Put your phone on silent, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and create a quiet, focused work environment. 3. Be realistic about what you can accomplish within a given timeframe. Set achievable goals and allocate appropriate time for each task. Avoid overcommitting and spreading yourself too thin.
    Amita Singh
    Sharing my tricks - 1. One task at a time. Don't look at the next task until you finish the task on hand. 2. Start early... 3. Do the toughest task first 4. Use a timer to stay focused while working. Focus management > time management 5. Don't overpressure yourself..you can't stretch 24 hours 6. Stay hydrated ..eat healthy, do exercise... Good health leads to a good brain & fast work 7. Use pen & paper to plan the schedule 8. Take digital detox for 30 minutes a day at least. Being lazy will open creative thoughts! 9. Share ... don't overload self 10. Ask for help !
    Siqi Gao
    Utilize productivity tools such as time-trackers, to-do-list applications and apps that restrict access to social media, and limit notifications.
    Jacob Si
    Break it down, organize the tasks, and ask for help on individual tasks.