How do you go about learning a new technology or language?
Isabella Kim
11 replies
Celine Carpet@celine_carpet
from AI and TV, movie
Beyond Earth: Life Simulation
There's only one way that has ever worked for me, just jump into the water and gain practical experience. Theory has never helped me.
AppManager by CompanyDNA AI
Just dive in to start working out.
Learning by doing is the way! Find a project you're excited about that uses the tech you want to learn. Diving in and building something real is 10x more effective than reading docs or watching tutorials. When you get stuck, search for solutions online. You'll pick it up way faster this way than with theory alone.
When I learn something new, I start by doing some online research and watching tutorials. I also like to find a project to apply what I’m learning—it really helps things stick. Joining related forums or groups is great too, as you can ask questions and share experiences with others who are also learning or already skilled.
When I learn a new tech or language, I start by watching tutorials online. Then, I try to build small projects to apply what I’ve learned. I also join communities or forums to ask questions and get advice from others. Reading official docs helps too. The key is to practice regularly and not be afraid of making mistakes.
You need to know the basics and fundamental of any language, then AI will help you out in coding. You need to learn AI powered coding.
Launching soon!
Practice & fail even when you think it’s cringe or you are afraid you’ll look stupid; takes a while to get there but the results are sweet
Find something to create w/ whatever, *assuming*, you mean programming language. Figure it out as I go.
Spending some days learning the fundamentals are key though.