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  • How do you generate traffic to your site?

    Shayan Ali
    30 replies
    Hey there! I am working on launching a design agency that offer design services on monthly basis. 😀 How do you think I will be able to drive traffic to my website? 🤔


    Lena Ross
    To drive traffic to your website, start with search engine optimization (SEO) to rank higher on Google. Use social media to engage with your audience and share your content. Email marketing can be effective for reaching out to your subscribers. Create quality, shareable content, and collaborate with other websites for backlinks. Paid advertising can also boost your visibility. Stay consistent and track your results to refine your strategy.
    Nigel Engel
    signup to UseArtemis --> it is a linkedin scrapper tool with built in multi channel cold outreach. This way you are going after the people you want to target and in return they will check out your site. what's your site btw
    Shayan Ali
    @mrnigelengel The site is not launched yet. I am soon launching a design agency that offer unlimited design services on monthly basis.
    Esus 🛡️
    @mrnigelengel @itsshayanali haha, just happened to see this and might be a good match. I'm building out a Productized Service Directory, and when I saw your question, my first thought was 'submit to directories'! I think directory submission + SEO content is important. Are you planning to blog for it at all? Not trying to sell anything, just curious.
    Shayan Ali
    @esus I don't think so I am planning to blogs at all. What is directory?
    Esus 🛡️
    @itsshayanali @mrnigelengel wasn't trying to promote it here, still building it. Will be at https://productizedHQ.com So far, have collected a few dozen Design as a Service (DaaS) agencies. Shayan might wanna look into them to see how to differentiate. :)
    Esus 🛡️
    imho, blog content + low competition keywords. Search traffic runs itself if the right content is written, and topical authority helps. However, it takes longer to take off than just DM'ing people or cold outreach like Nigel recommended.
    Esus 🛡️
    @itsshayanali I am not experienced, but personally would recommend doing a few blog posts as you do cold outreach. Cold outreach gets direct customers who are interested. (Can just reply on Tweets or DM on LinkedIn like Nigel mentioned) All the while, you also have SEO traffic starting (but takes 3+ months to really see results), because cold outreach isn't sustainable haha. Hormezi's new book, 100M Leads covers this pretty well. (and is like 1-5$, pretty cheap) Outlines the diff ways to generate traffic to your offer. Well worth the time to read quick imo.
    Shayan Ali
    @esus At the end of the day, I wanted users for my design subscription
    Gulshan Negi
    Well, if you are looking to generate traffic, then I will suggest you do the below things. 1. Content marketing 2. Social media marketing 3. Networking and paid advertising 4. Guest posting 5. SEO One thing that you have to remember is that increasing traffic to your website is a taking process you need to keep patience and be consistent in this process. Lead generation and email marketing also play an essential role in generating traffic. Thanks
    Debajit Sarkar
    YouTube videos Optimize your videos for search engines by using keywords, tags, and captions that match your target audience’s intent and needs. Use tools like YouTube Keyword Tool or TubeBuddy to find the best keywords for your niche. Add a clear and compelling call to action (CTA) at the end of your videos, such as “Visit our website for more information” or “Click the link in the description below”. You can write a long Twitter/X thread people will quickly forget about your Twitter/X thread, even if it gets you some traffic. If you focus on "Treadmill Traffic" you are never going to get off the treadmill. But YouTube videos are different. They are durable and timeless. They will continue to draw viewers for years after you publish them.
    Esus 🛡️
    @dsarkar Great point and advice for KW's Debajit. Def better than chasing other Social media. Youtube is very underserved imho
    André J
    If you can differentiate with other similar sites, I think it could definitely get lots of traction. Lots of these design as a service agencies are forwarding the work to fiver.com. So if you could somehow make the client believe that you are not doing that. Then it could be great. But atm its hard for customers to tell.
    André J
    @itsshayanali Awesome. What about when demand picks up?
    Shayan Ali
    @sentry_co IEach users can have 1 design request in 24 hours, this way if I have 5 users so I think I can do 5-6 hours a day to fulfill their needs
    André J
    @itsshayanali And when you get more users or not enough? The way these services scale is what makes them tricky to setup. Maybe have a strategy for scaling it etc.
    Shayan Ali
    @sentry_co I am going to do the service myself. So I am not planning to go to fiverr at all.
    Dzmitry Tsemirau
    SEO, content, social networks (LinkedIn and Twitter).
    Dzmitry Tsemirau
    @itsshayanali We are developing an easy to use financial planner for SaaS startups.
    You can use crowd marketing
    Shayan Ali
    @kpolish What is crowd marketing?
    Ken Ito 🍄
    In my experience if you want to play the long game, then SEO is the clear winner. Since your case is a design agency, I would start with the designer focused websites like dribble, behance, pinterest, etc
    In my opinion, it is quite difficult to increase the traffic of your own website or business on your own. Therefore, people use different methods for this. Someone promotes content through social media, email, and other distribution channels. However, it takes a lot of time, which is why I am happy that various services like https://allpushnetworks.com/ can help us with this. I think they will be extremely useful for many people who want to develop their business.