How do you feel about subscription based software development?

Salah Karim Abdelbaki
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Hi everyone! I'm opening this post looking for any inputs on subscription-based software development agencies you might have. Since the rise of (subscription based design) and seeing how looks like Alireza successfully launched I started to think about launching mine. Maybe I'm overthinking it too much, but I'm not quite sure how much people trust this model or if people are willing to pay monthly instead of knowing in advance how long and how much it will take to build their software even if that makes it more expensive and less flexible. Also, thinking about the potential clients, those are the main ones that come to mind: - Traditional businesses that need internal software: after drafting a list of possible software I could build for them, I realized that 90% of what they need is already covered by a SaaS, much cheaper than hiring a subscription dev and the other 10% of things not covered by the SaaS they might not know they need it. - Entrepreneurs with no tech background who want to build their product, but then these people if they have a budget to build their product, they might want someone full-time so they get more speed, etc. And if they have a limited budget, maybe the subscription model is too uncertain? How do you all feel about that? Indeed, there will always be a business unhappy with the current SaaS solutions and would want to build their own software, and there will always be someone that will be fine with the subscription model, but when looking for specific niches to do some marketing on them, I kind of find others solutions "better". All this doubts look like "impostor syndrome," (I was seeing potential clients everywhere until I finished building everything lol) and the answers are easy to get just by going for it and getting real feedback from potential clients, but after making a small research on different subscription based software development services/agencies looks like they have little to none portfolio/activity online so that made me rethink it. Anyways I'll try to market it and get clients onboard but would be good to get others inputs since that's what potential clients might have to say. Thanks for your time and I'll appreciate any input. Be safe! Salah.
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