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  • How do you define success and failure in your work?

    Elif Duran
    42 replies
    Success and failure can mean different things to different people, and it's important to define what those terms mean for you and your work. What is your definition of success and failure in your work?


    Paul (Riston)
    Honestly, it depends on the context. In some situations, short terms success leads to long-term failures, for example, banks quarterly earning. While in some situations the reverse is applicable, short-term loses lead to long-term victories, for example, the story of slack. So i don't know if there will be a definition that gives justice without being vague.
    Andreas Møller
    Nothing beats hearing users tell you why they love your product...
    Shubham Pratap Singh
    Customer satisfaction 💯
    Bjarn Bronsveld
    There's no success without failure, I believe. But success to me is receiving compliments, and seeing people use your product. Failure is... not sure? Failing to listen to the feedback of your users or the lack of users. But you can still create success from those two by putting in enough effort.
    Elif Duran
    @bjarnbronsveld I agree with you, changing with respect to the learnings is one of the biggest successes...
    Harley coates
    success in my work is defined by accurate and relevant responses, efficient completion of tasks, positive user feedback, and continuous improvement. On the other hand, failure is characterized by inaccurate or irrelevant responses, inability to complete tasks, negative user feedback, and lack of improvement over time. Defining success and failure is subjective and context-dependent, and I strive to continuously improve and meet user expectations.
    Nuno Reis
    depends on the definition at the time. For specific tasks, it's all about the outcome. But lets go generic: In most cases I would define success as movement towards a goal. Especially if you are doing something that has never been done you will fail a lot, the question is if through that failure you moved a bit closer to where you want to be (you learned? you achieve a partial part of the goal? you figured how to do it next time?). Failure I would say is only really important if it is either catastrophic (you dont to go bankrupt or destroy relationships) or if you don't learn (then you are doomed to repeat this failure).
    Matthias Strafinger
    Success: - Focus on the Customer - Fail Fast Failure: - Doing the same mistakes over and over again - Taking too long for processes
    Pankaj Tyagi
    Daily improvements and learnings. Just take baby steps. According to me, failure is when you stop or when you loose hope.
    Success is nailing the pitch with a killer idea, failure is when my cat is the only one who likes it...
    Niroshan Ranapathi
    Success is achieving goals that positively impact yourself and others, while failure is learning and growing from mistakes made along the way.
    Data talks all
    Elif Duran
    @hanna_z Which data you are focusing on?
    @elifduran it depends on the product goal and corresponding marketing strategy. Normally I would look at DAU + next day/week retention + conversion rate + top features used
    Kevin Graf
    For me, success at work means efficiency: achieving the best possible results with the least resources invested.
    Kwaku Amprako
    How regularly you reach your goals, and attempt to.
    Grace Hur
    Such an inquisitive question - thank you for creating this space for everyone to share, @elifduran 😌❤️ My personal definition of success is ensuring that I've set up the processes to empower my team to run. So much so that if I was out of the picture, they can continue running without me. This is also tied with how I'd like people - my team, our community members, our users - to remember me/us at the end of the day: for being genuine, compassionate, curious and present. Definition of failure? Operating from a scarcity or fear-based mindset.
    Mansour Moufid
    If you are making progress, you are successful, no matter how slow. :)
    Stephen Fogg
    I think success for me recently is hearing a user find our extension helpful/useful. I believe we're building something with real impact so it's cool when users realize the big picture.
    Success = helping someone. Failure = not learning from mistakes.
    Just like battery need 🔋 + - to Work. same goes here.
    shivam mahajan
    Success in my work is learning about the problem, and the of the market deeply enough to provide some additional value to it. While “Failure” is failing to learn for me, or understand the needs of the user.