How do you deal with office politics?

Senthilnathan RM
5 replies
Not everyone gets to have a safe place at work. You might have to go through tons of politics. At least, at some point in time, you'd have done or you'd go through. I have gone through it in the past. In the long run, it becomes a part of the whole game. So how do you deal with office politics? Is there a playbook to it? 😅 Would love to learn from your experience.


André J
Launching soon!
Whatever you do don't be passive aggressive, and fight passive aggressiveness relentlessly. Usually done via hyper kindness 😬
Mohammed Kheezar Hayat
Office politics is by definition, subversion of any playbook that might exist in favour of informal arrangements. Might sound harsh, but what looks like petty politics to one person might be another's alliance building and legitimate career progression. If one is experiencing a 'political' environment, then it suggest that the workplace is simply not suitable. Just leave to find your tribe elsewhere.