How do you cope with failure and setbacks?

Shaur ul Asar
12 replies


By extracting valuable lessons from failure or setbacks, I can transform them into stepping stones for personal growth and self-improvement.
Shaur ul Asar
@atik_hossain Indeed, you either win or learn.
Justin McGill
Don't let failure define you; let it propel you towards greater achievements!
Shaur ul Asar
@jus10mcgill I completely agree! Failure should never define us; it should inspire us to achieve greater things.
Carlos Virreira
I ask myself the same. I feel like I just doom-scroll, eat and feel bad. Then, I get a glimpse of hope and I get my mood up. I really hate this pattern, but it is how I am.
Shaur ul Asar
@carlos_virreira Keep seeking those moments of hope and use them as fuel to create a more positive and fulfilling pattern in your life.
Lucas almeida
It's part of the process, heads up, learn with the mistakes and keep improving.
Shaur ul Asar
@welucas Indeed! Embracing mistakes and setbacks as part of the process helps us learn and continually improve.
Peyt Spencer Dewar
Failures are just data. Be kind to yourself.
Phyllis Coleman
Setbacks are a natural part of the journey. I try to see them as learning opportunities rather than pure failures.
I actually think that if something failed, you did it right. I know is contradictory but if I failed is because there is something that I wasn’t prepared for probably in terms of management or skills or even the product itself. I just take it as a step towards my goal
Lucas James
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