How do you clear your mind off of work?

Deniz Sutaş
7 replies
We have to take our time to rest and reset ourselves, mentally and physically. How do you manage to isolate yourself from the workspace mentality in your free time? One thing I find helpful is staying offline, easy answer I guess!


Dr. Viktor
Short breaks from work, when I can quickly switch to another task, and then just as quickly switch to continue the main work, help me the best.
Doğukan Tezcan
Stay away from screens
Peyt Spencer Dewar
Taking a day off during the week helps
Ceyda Güzelsevdi
Thank you for the question, Deniz. For me, I depend on oxygen. I want to be surrounded by trees, cats, and read a good book meanwhile listening to the sounds of the nature. Paying attention to what's happening outside my bubble helps me tune out and I learn a lot! I also play Just Dance and exercise. Again, oxygen circulation 🍃🥰
Jason Andries
Exercise really helps me clear my mind, especially boxing because you have to focus on what you're doing at that moment. Spending time with friends and family also makes me forget about other things because I try to be present and focus on them as much as possible when I see them.
Deniz Sutaş
@jason_andries1 oh yes workouts totally help, I especially love to go for a quick swim during my breaks. Can't do it year-round here unfortunately!