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  • How do you build and use feedback loops in your business for continuous improvement?

    Alessandro Canella
    4 replies
    Feedback loops are fascinating cycles where the output of a system is fed back as input, resulting in continuous self-adjustment. They exist in various fields, from thermostats regulating temperature to businesses improving products, and even in personal growth through feedback from others. How do you build and use feedback loops in your business for continuous improvement?


    Richard Gao
    Mostly just customer feedback and improving based on that
    Alessandro Canella
    @richard_gao2 Thanks Richard. Would you like sharing with everyone how do you handle customer feedback?
    Aida Zu
    Practically we just constantly share recaps/updates open for any feedbacks with our focus group, advisors, community and ambassadors. We receive feedback instantly and can fix things when they are small. Saved us 1-3 months for every quarter.
    Alessandro Canella
    @aidai_zu Woow! Thank you for sharing, that's wonderful! Would you mind providing more detailed information about the entire process for readers who may need additional tips on how to effectively execute a feedback loop?