How do you build a community around your product?
Nazar Legeza
11 replies
Hello, we create products for podcasters and want to build a community on Reddit. Which way promotes this community till launching the product?

Aleks Dahlberg@aleksdahlberg
Have many different channels of inbound communication end at point where they are funnelled into a community tool, such as slack. Use that tool to then maintain your relationship with that audience.
@nazar_leheza no problem!

Guide for Podcasters
@aleksdahlberg thank you so much!

Notesally 2.0
There are a few key things to keep in mind when building a community around your product:
1. Make it easy for people to find and connect with one another. Create forums, groups, or pages where people can share ideas and feedback.
2. Encourage users to get involved. Give them a voice and make them feel like they're part of something larger.
3. Be responsive to feedback and suggestions.

Guide for Podcasters
@hemantwarier Hello, yes, I agree with you. Maybe you can tell me how to encourage users to get involved if you have experience?

Notesally 2.0
@nazar_leheza There are a few ways to get your product users involved with your product.
One way is to have them beta test the product before it's released to the public. This will give them a chance to try out the product and give feedback on what they like and don't like.
You can also hold contests or giveaways where users can enter to win prizes. This will get them excited about your product and may even encourage them to tell their friends about it.

Guide for Podcasters
@hemantwarier thank you so much!
If it is related to entrepreneurs then post on Reddit entrepreneurs, Indi hackers, and maybe PH.

Guide for Podcasters
@kanisk_gautam is the product for podcasters and for listeners. We launched Product Hunt Ship - Elision for podcasters
im planning to make publications in these subreddits:
but there are different rules for publishing, most of the promotes should be maximum native

Guide for Podcasters
@ksusha_golovchenko, thank you so much!