How do you block spam emails? Any suggestion?

7 replies
There are spam emails that arrive regularly every day. -- For example, you forgot the password of the crypto exchange... -- Urgent action is required. Your account will be closed... -- Those starting with Fwd or Re... In addition to these, there are spam emails that come in many different forms. I spend some of my time every day deleting and blocking them. I want to know this for both a service like @gmail or @outlook and my work email like What could be the solution to minimize these? Thank you very much in advance.


Somewhere I read that, the more we open spam emails, the more we get. So I started to report and move it to spam. I think now it's very rare, and even if it comes, it goes straight to spam.
Sergei Petrov
Oh, I hate spam. I try to unsubscribe from unwanted mailings and throw unexpected advertising offers into the block. Do you have any ideas on how to do this more automatically? And of course I have a special email for registration on all sorts of dubious services.
@sergeipetrov Using a special email is a great idea. I should do it too : ) I'm looking at what can be done to improve this process. If I find a solution, I will share it.