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  • How do you balance quality and speed before a launch?

    Julien Zmiro
    8 replies
    We all want to optimise for speed, learn fast, and launch quickly. But it never feels right to ship something of poor quality (whether it's visual issues, small functional bugs, tech debt etc). How do you decide what's the "quality bar"? How do you make sure everyone in the team is aligned on that? I'd be super curious to learn about good ways to approach the question because it always seems to be a question in teams.


    Sophiko Jeiranashvili
    When it comes to the critical phase before a launch, I often find myself facing the challenge of striking the right balance between quality and speed. It's like walking a tightrope – aiming for top-notch quality while keeping a close eye on the clock. I believe in delivering nothing less than excellence, but I also recognize the importance of hitting those deadlines to seize opportunities in a competitive landscape. To achieve this, I've learned that meticulous planning, clear communication, and a keen focus on priorities are essential. It's in that delicate intersection of quality and speed that the magic of a successful launch truly happens.
    Julien Zmiro
    Top Product
    @sophiko_jeiranashvili Love the tightrope metaphor. That's exactly how I feel. Planning is definitely an important tool you're right. The last thing you want is to discover new blockers at the last minute and planning can help a lot avoiding that. Thanks for the great insights!
    Shajedul Karim
    hey there, mate balancing speed and quality is indeed a delicate dance. it's a tension that exists in every creative endeavor. here are some thoughts to navigate this: 1. define 'good enough': establish a baseline quality bar that's acceptable for your team. this is not about settling for mediocrity, but about understanding what's essential and what's nice-to-have. 2. align on values: make sure everyone understands what matters most. is it speed to market? is it user experience? is it stability? clarity here can guide decisions. 3. lean into iteration: embrace the idea that your first version won't be perfect. launch is a step, not the destination. learning and iterating post-launch is crucial. 4. prioritize ruthlessly: not all bugs are created equal. prioritize fixing those that significantly impact user experience or functionality. 5. manage tech debt: acknowledge it as part of the process. have a clear plan for addressing it post-launch. 6. feedback loop: have mechanisms for user feedback post-launch. this informs your iterations and helps maintain quality. the balance between speed and quality is dynamic, not a one-time decision. keep recalibrating. happy building mate!
    Julien Zmiro
    Top Product
    @shajedulkarim_ Thanks a lot there's a lot of great ideas in there. I guess the main takeaway from your comment is that it's really an exercise of alignment with the team and it helps to do it very explicitly ("define good enough", "align on values" etc). That's super interesting thanks again!
    Italo Costa | System Developer
    I have established a list of initial features for my SaaS. I try to deliver one a day. This list is no more than 10 or 12 items. In a maximum of 30 days it will be ready. With my practical example, I don't know how it applies to your business. Hope I helped in some way.
    Julien Zmiro
    Top Product
    @italo_costa I like the goal oriented approach, well done! Do you use that to help with speed versus quality too? Like if you feel like one of the features is taking more time than expected, would you try to cut corners even more to make it fit in 1 day? And conversely if you see that you finished something earlier than expected would you spend more time on it to polish it with the rest of the day?
    Lori Mitchell
    Balancing quality and speed before a launch involves carefully prioritizing essential features and tasks, setting clear and realistic deadlines, employing efficient testing methodologies, utilizing cross-functional collaboration, leveraging automation tools where applicable, and maintaining constant communication to ensure that the highest standards of quality are met without sacrificing the project's timeline.