How do you avoid meetings that could have been an email?

Katya Veremeichik
9 replies
I mean... Is there a way at all?:)


Just clearly ask - do we need a meeting for this
Solomon Bush
Fake a stomach ache - works 60% of the time, every time.
André J
Launching soon!
You defer the meeting and ask. Is there something 👉specific 👈 I can help you with. Keep saying specific until they fold.
If I feel like a meeting isn’t necessary I usually just ask a lot of questions 1. What do we plan on talking about? 2. What do we plan on accomplishing? 3. Is there any prep work we need to do? Usually it’ll make the person who made the meeting question themselves if there’s really a point of the meeting at all, often they’ll cancel it or realize they can just ask what they need in Slack