How digitization will transform the world?

Lodovico Sella
3 replies
The consequences can be felt and seen everywhere you look. Machines are working hand in hand with humans, data is being processed and transferred in milliseconds, and colleagues worldwide can discuss strategies in real-time with just a few clicks. What’s your take on this?


Chetan Natesh
It's hard to think of this in a purely positive way, this digitization is surely going to drive wealth inequality upwards but on the other hand it will create tremendous opportunity as well. It is going to transform the world in many number ways for sure. But prudent government policy and training of ethics in school I think are crucial for a bright future.
Lodovico Sella
@chetan_natesh Yes, I'd like to discover this side of the coin. 🙌 Thanks for sharing it.
Chetan Natesh
@lodovico_sella Also, digitization especially in the crypto currency and blockchain space may face hurdles in terms of server energy consumption. Hopefully environmental regulations are passed in this regard.