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  • How did you realize you have found PMF for your product?

    10 replies
    I am curious how to know when PMF is found? Is there any form definition? Should I look at numbers and charts?


    hey Max, 👋 check out these five elements where i explained , producthunt.com/discussions/what-is-a-winning-product-idea-i-figured-these-5-elements i hope this make sense to you ( :
    Mahir Mahdi
    I haven't, I'm still working on the MVP. I would say after iterating talking to early customers, if you get more customers then I believe you're on the right track.
    Oliver Thomes
    Solving Real-World Problems: If I'm regularly helping people solve problems, complete tasks, and achieve their goals, it validates my existence and demonstrates that I'm fulfilling a valuable purpose. This impact on users' lives is a key indicator of PMF.
    Jessica Herman
    2. Positive Feedback and Reviews: Hearing positive feedback from users who are happy with my abilities and find me helpful is a clear sign that I'm on the right track. Reviews and testimonials can be valuable indicators of PMF.
    Poul merry
    . Increased Adoption and Usage: If my user base is expanding organically and my usage is steadily increasing, it signifies that I'm addressing a real need and my capabilities resonate with a wider audience. This sustained growth suggests a good PMF.
    Whitney wright
    Discovering Product-Market Fit (PMF) involves a mix of qualitative and quantitative signals: Qualitative Indicators: Positive User Satisfaction Genuine Customer Testimonials Quantitative Indicators: Notable User Growth High Retention and Referral Rates Market Validation: Success in Competitive Landscape Niche Domination Iterative Improvement: Feedback Utilization for Enhancements Metrics and Analytics: Positive Conversion and Low Churn Rates Customer Development Insights: Positive Responses in Customer Development Pricing and Value Perception: Willingness of Users to Pay Strategic Partnerships: Opportunities for Collaborations PMF is nuanced, and these signals can vary based on your product and market.
    Ali Gordon
    Angry customers is a good one! It sounds counter-intuitive but if you've disappointed someone it means that whatever you promised struck a chord with them. Thereafter all you have to do is deliver on that promise.
    Angela Turner
    "Realizing Product-Market Fit (PMF) often comes when your product resonates deeply with users, evidenced by high retention rates, enthusiastic user feedback, and rapid organic growth, indicating that your solution truly addresses a market need."
    Ferhat Suat Erdoğan
    You can ask for payment (before you build) to see if people TRULY have the burning pain. If so, THEY WILL ACTUALLY PAY! And this is your PMF.
    Moin Shaikh
    While PMF indicators can vary based on your niche, product, and audience, there are a few general indicators that can help you realize you have found your PMF: - High and consistent user engagement - Positive customer feedback and testimonials - Low churn rates and long-term user retention - Rapid adoption and consistent growth in new sign-ups - Sustainable and scalable revenue generation - Validation of initial hypotheses and assumptions etc. Among these and many others, the most common indicator is consistent engagement and positive feedback from users. And as for your question about looking at numbers and charts, yes, they can be helpful but don't fall in the trap of what is called "vanity metrics". Numbers and charts can sometimes be misleading; that's why it's best to continuously talk to your users to understand their motivations, needs, hesitations etc.