How did you get your first 10 users before PH launch?
Veyis Furkan Güner
19 replies
André J@sentry_co
10 or 1000 users doesn't matter. The amount they enjoy your product is much more important. And you can validate that with 1 or 3 users.
Social media (twitter/Facebook/ig)
We received users thanks to advertising on social networks.
@vfurkanguner Yes, but there were times when my employees communicated with the target audience and they liked the application and started using it.
Thanks to a pre-prepared strategy, but even a strategy does not provide a complete guarantee.
Direct connections. If your product is not finished, someone had to believe in you and not just shopping around to find a better tool for their problem. The chances are, established players might already satisfy their need to the acceptable level. You also need to control your early customer to be as closer as possible to your ideal customer profile. If you can do that, all channels are good. Social, Paid, Cold...
Service Shark
Merhaba Veyis, we tried DM to our target audience on Instagram.
e-mail marketing
@wiktoria_kuni which tool did you use and what was your approach? Cold email?
@wiktoria_kuni Do you have a email newsletter? or you generate leads from some sources?
@wiktoria_kuni Where do you get the emails?
Social media! Tiktok and Instagram