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  • How did you get your first 10 customers for your SaaS?

    Nihal Ahamed
    15 replies
    I would like to understand what channel has primarily worked to acquire your first 10 customers other than the network and friends. How did you approach this and attributing it?


    Casiana Rajas
    I used targeted content marketing and SEO to attract my first 10 customers Creating valuable blog posts and optimizing them for search helped drive organic traffic to my site.
    Xavier Jam
    I ran a small social media campaign with special offers. It got some attention and led to the first sign-ups.
    Nihal Ahamed
    The Tech Stack For Fundraising Founders
    The Tech Stack For Fundraising Founders
    Which platform did you run ads @xavier_jam?
    Kerry Rivera
    I offerd free trials to friends and family and encouraged them to spread the word.
    Nihal Ahamed
    The Tech Stack For Fundraising Founders
    The Tech Stack For Fundraising Founders
    How do you convince your friends to do it @kerry_rivera? I have been trying to convince few of my friends to try the product and share feedback but I have got no success
    jonny vince
    I reached out to my network and asked for referrals. Personal connections were a great way to get those initial customers.
    Nihal Ahamed
    The Tech Stack For Fundraising Founders
    The Tech Stack For Fundraising Founders
    How do you scale it up after a few customers @jonny_vince?
    Aaron hailey
    Running a few small paid ad campaigns on social media was key. I tested different platforms and found which ones gave me the best return on investment for getting those first customers.
    Amalio Lanter
    I joined relevant online community and forums where my target audience hangs out. Providing helpful advice and subtly promoting my SaaS led to my initial customer base.
    Isaac Henry Gallagher
    We reached out to friends, ex-colleagues, and our networks on LinkedIn and social media about our new SaaS. Offered them discounts for being early adopters. Also posted on relevant Reddit subs and Facebook groups. The personal outreach and promos helped land those crucial first 10 customers to get the ball rolling!
    Nihal Ahamed
    The Tech Stack For Fundraising Founders
    The Tech Stack For Fundraising Founders
    Is the personal outreach on LinkedIn @isaachenrygallagher? What was your conversion %?
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    To get the first 10 customers for a SaaS, focus on personal outreach: leverage your existing network, engage in relevant online communities, and offer free trials or discounts. Collect feedback, refine the product, and turn early users into advocates by delivering excellent customer support.
    Brandon Lee Mitchell
    Same question here! I'm also curious how others landed their first 10 customers. Social media campaigns seem promising. Has anyone tried offering a special sign-up discount or referral bonus to early adopters? I've heard that can help generate buzz and incentivize people to try out a new SaaS product in the beginning stages. But I'm all ears to hear what's worked for others!