How did you find your first client?

Artem Bukharin
9 replies
Hi there! We're all startup enthusiasts, and undoubtedly each of us has an exciting story about how we found our first clients. P.S. If you were your own first client, that's awesome too! We tested our product on ourselves before launching our first WaitList. Tell your story and inspire other people to find their first client too!


We spend a lot of time trying to find the first customer because we operate in DeFi. It is actually hard to find even one crypto holder who is ready for an interview, there is nothing to say about someone who is ready to try to use the DeFi protocol first. A few solutions that worked well for us: - There are high-level expertise articles on medium and hackernoon. People who are interested in crypto tend to lean toward good experts. We showed it by writing articles that deeply cover topics that no one else covers on the same level. - Creating a buzz for topics that are close to our target audience. We, in reality, focused on safe investments, so NFT is not our area. However, many people in the crypto space are interested in NFT. So, to reach them we periodically create and giveaway NFTs. The way we create buzz. Of course, not all NFT holders are interested in safe investments, but some percentage who interact with them are interested.
Business Marketing with Nika
Recommendations... my relatives knew me – that when I work on something I try to do my best to deliver great results so it was Word of Mouth in most of cases.
Artem Bukharin
@busmark_w_nika Hi! What is your product about?
Daksh Tyagi
My first client came through networking at industry events and leveraging social media to showcase my work and expertise.
Daksh Tyagi
@abukharin Working on an Email Journey product that can make users' email journey smooth and fun! What about you?
Milli Sen
Network, cold emails and X.
Trader BinQosim
Mostly it is work of mouth, although a lot of time was spent trying to get our first customer but with the help of connections and socials, we were able to get there
Megan Marshall
Certainly! Finding my first client involved leveraging my network and showcasing the value of my service through personalized outreach. It was about understanding their needs and demonstrating how my solution could solve their challenges effectively. Building trust and delivering results were crucial in securing that initial partnership. Crafting a compelling personal statement can be tough, but made it simple for me. Their writers are experts and know how to make your application stand out. The service is quick, and the results are fantastic. Highly recommended!