How did you detect the painpoint you are solving?

15 replies
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For me, it was something I struggled myself. Tracking investments with the existing platforms just wasnt possible, as they did not provide the tools I was looking for.
Narendra Solanki
@joonatanvanhala It's often said that the best solutions come from personal experiences. It sounds like you truly understood the gaps in the existing platforms because you faced them firsthand. That's a powerful motivator to seek better tools or even create them yourself. If you ever have suggestions or features you'd like to see improved, please share.
@joonatanvanhala 100%, Sometimes, existing platforms may not cater to our specific needs, and it can be frustrating. It's often these challenges that inspire innovation.
Narendra Solanki
We delved deep into existing market solutions and identified gaps. By analysing reviews, forums, and competitor offerings, we could pinpoint areas that were undeserved or not addressed at all.
Jake Harrison
I met this pain point so I understand how to solve it!
@jakeharr That's often how the best solutions are born—from personal frustrations turned into innovation.
Prem Saini
We identified common difficulties and needs among the target population through user research and market analysis.
@prem_saini1 That's great! Identifying common difficulties and needs through user research and market analysis is a solid way to ensure your solutions are on the mark. It's all about delivering value where it's needed most.
Jeremiah Poisson
The first pass for my app was based on personal experience and not finding a tool that met the needs I was looking for. After some time I started noticing a pattern in the app reviews and have been using the customer feedback to help drive and refine the app so as to fill in the gaps that my users cannot find elsewhere.
@jeremiah_poisson Starting with personal experience and identifying a gap in existing tools is often how some of the best solutions are born. It's fantastic that you've been using customer feedback to continuously improve your app and fill those gaps.
Kan Hai
You can listen to and observe others’ complaints and demands in daily life, and see if you can come up with better solutions, but this is superficial. In fact, pain points are not the same as demand points, everyone’s sensitivity to pain points is different, and pleasure points are also important. I think discovering better demand points comes from having a good imagination, imagining what a wonderful future life should be like, how you can find a better path to achieve it, and make everyone better. Beauty is very basic and primitive, such as saving manpower and brainpower, making me healthier, making me happier, making me feel more existent, making me feel more secure. Could you imagine what life with a smartphone would be like before the iPhone came out? Could you imagine what the future AGI would be like before ChatGPT AI appeared? There is always a gap between imagination and reality, but you can step by step to achieve it, returning to its originally beautiful state.
@kanhai I couldn't agree more! Discovering true demand points is a blend of empathy and imagination. It's about understanding that pain points, desires, and pleasures vary from person to person. And you're absolutely right—a big part of innovation comes from envisioning a better future and working to bridge the gap between imagination and reality.
Brian Hurst
Funny enough, I built mDash, my AI-powered project management tool designed for web development, to solve the pain points I found within my own development agency. We wasted a lot of time worrying about project scoping, interfacing with our clients, and hopping around on far too many platforms when all my devs actually wanted to do was develop. So, I built mDash, which has auto project scoping, quotes & timeline generation, developer assignment, status updates, and more. It's been a game changer. Now, we're in the process of preparing it for open beta, so other devs and agencies can benefit as we did. We'll actually be launching mDash very soon here on product hunt. For anyone who is interested, we'd appreciate it if you'd check out our coming soon page.
@brianhurst That's an amazing journey from identifying pain points to creating a solution! It's common to experience project management challenges in web development, but you took action and developed mDash to make your agency's life easier. It's impressive that it covers so many essential aspects. Getting ready for an open beta is exciting news – it means more developers and agencies can enjoy the same benefits. I'm sure the Product Hunt launch will be a success. Best of luck with mDash's launch and journey ahead!