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  • How did you decide to start your own business?

    Nadia Zueva
    14 replies
    I believe that Product Hunt is one of the most interesting places because it's where founders hang out - usually brave people who dare to venture into their own businesses and probably quit their jobs. Don't you mind sharing your story? :)


    Deciding to start your own business is a deeply personal journey, often fueled by a combination of passion, opportunity, and a desire for autonomy. For many entrepreneurs, the decision stems from identifying a gap in the market or a problem they're passionate about solving. Additionally, having the right tools and resources can significantly impact the success of your venture. Platforms like AiToolsKit.ai provide invaluable support by offering a suite of free tools encompassing AI, SEO, writing assistance, YouTube, and social media aids. Whether it's refining your business plan, optimizing your online presence, or enhancing your content creation efforts, having access to these tools can streamline your entrepreneurial journey and increase your chances of success. https://rebrand.ly/270e31
    Nadia Zueva
    Launching soon!
    For me, it wasn't a spontaneous decision. It took me ~4 month to realize that I had the idea and the loyal group of people ready to take the risks of an early-stage startup. We had all the must-have expertise to build an app, designed to help people discover their style and connect with local designers worldwide. So, I quit my well-paid engineering job and stepped into uncertainty, to create a product that many people will find useful (I hope! haha). We're launching the app in two months. If you're interested in learning more about our project, you can find us here: https://www.linkedin.com/company...
    Cameron Scully
    years of trying different things until I finally found something i enjoy and make good money from. With this project I can use all the experience from doing all those different projects. So failure was never a waste, it was all part of this big picture of a project that I'm doing now.
    Nadia Zueva
    Launching soon!
    @cameronscully_ congrads on your find! Totally agree that even failure gives you a lot of valuable experience
    Henry Burkert
    My co-founder and I founded an agency before our current startup. Our employees there worked remotely. The collaboration worked very well, but we quickly realized that the cohesion and sense of togetherness was not very strong due to the physical distance. That was a big problem for us, because employee retention is one of the most important tasks in times of a shortage of skilled workers. From our point of view, it had to be possible to create a good and positive corporate culture. Because we were not satisfied with any solution on the market, we founded Crewting. In other words, we built a start-up from our own problem.
    Nadia Zueva
    Launching soon!
    @henry_burkert Wow, that's an impressive story! My team consists of people from around the world, from Mexico to the UAE, so I will keep an eye on your product.
    Henry Burkert
    @nadiaaesty We build Crewting exactly for teams like yours. I'll keep you up to date. We're launching our Slack app in March.
    mouhcine dardour
    i build app to help me learn fast and it works, then i decided why not share it with other people.
    Nadia Zueva
    Launching soon!
    @mouhcine_dardour I believe that the best startups happen when you yourself are a user of your product! Also, my previous venture might be close to your idea https://apps.apple.com/bm/app/vo... let me know, if you are interested in discussion :)
    Before starting my own business, I gained experience working for a startup. Observing its operations fueled my ambition to venture into entrepreneurship.
    Awais Rasool
    Deciding to start your own business is a profound journey filled with introspection, passion, and courage. It was a blend of recognizing an unmet need, a burning desire for autonomy, and a leap of faith in my vision. Every entrepreneur's story is unique and inspiring. What inspired yours?
    The decision to start our own business in bid writing and grant funding services stemmed from a combination of factors and experiences. inventya Firstly, we recognised a significant gap in the market for specialised support in navigating the complexities of securing government funding and grants. Many organisations, particularly smaller businesses and non-profits, struggled to access the financial resources they needed to pursue their projects due to the challenges associated with writing compelling proposals and navigating funding processes. Secondly, our team possessed a unique blend of expertise, including experience in bid writing, grant management, and an in-depth understanding of various industries. We saw an opportunity to leverage our skills and knowledge to provide valuable assistance to organisations seeking funding for their initiatives. Moreover, we were driven by a genuine passion for helping businesses and organisations succeed. We understood the transformative impact that access to funding could have on their growth and sustainability, and we were eager to play a role in facilitating that success. Ultimately, the decision to start our own business was driven by a desire to fill a market need, utilise our skills and expertise, and make a positive difference in the success of our clients' projects. Since founding our business, we have been committed to providing high-quality, tailored services that help our clients secure the funding they need to achieve their goals.
    Meghan Henry
    I wanted to solve problems in a new way. So, I started a business to make my ideas real.