How can we reclaim joy in your daily tasks? Introducing BlissCompass

Hamza Afzal Butt
20 replies
Hello, Product Hunt community! We’re thrilled to introduce BlissCompass, now live for everyone seeking a transformation in how they manage daily tasks. It isn't just about tracking what you do; it's about aligning your daily activities with what truly fulfills you. Here’s how it works: Bliss Score: This feature helps you evaluate how much joy or drain each task brings to your life, guiding you towards more fulfilling activities. Smart Insights: Discover the top 5 most draining and joyful tasks in your routine, and adjust accordingly. We’d love to hear your thoughts, experiences, and skepticism. Your feedback is invaluable as we strive to make BlissCompass a tool that makes a difference. Check us out and let us know what you think! Looking forward to an engaging discussion!"


Johny burg
Supported and feedback given :)
Aarav Pittman
It looks great. Congratulations!!!
Nathan Cooper
Good luck guys! Supported
Maddilene John
Good luck BlissCompass Team!
Good luck with that!
Carmen Judson
I really like the idea of tracking daily tasks. Congrats team!!!
Peter Nick
Great Launch Hamza!
Philip Polk
Congratulations Hamza! I have seen your all launches are great. Good job!
Gurkaran Singh
BlissCompass sounds like the GPS for finding joy in the daily grind! It’s like having a happiness coach in your pocket nudging you towards those tasks that make your heart do a little dance. Who knew task management could feel this uplifting?