How can we make LangDrive's launch on Product Hunt unforgettable?

Michael Vandi
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We're super excited to announce that we're launching LangDrive soon, a groundbreaking tool that turns your Google Drive into a dynamic AI chatbot, complete with a rich knowledge base. Imagine having the power of an AI chatbot right in your Google Drive, trained and managed by you! 🤯 It's available as an NPM package (for developers) and an application you can use (for non-devs). We've worked hard to make LangDrive a game-changer for developers, focusing on private, user-hosted data management and seamless chatbot integration. But we need your help to make this launch unforgettable! 🚀 Here's what we're curious about: 1️⃣ What features would you love to see that would make LangDrive a must-have for you? 2️⃣ How can we best showcase LangDrive's unique capabilities to capture your attention? 3️⃣ What types of content or demos would you find most engaging and informative? 4️⃣ Any tips or strategies you've seen work well for other Product Hunt launches? We're all ears and open to any suggestions, tips, or constructive criticism. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
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