How can one overcome common productivity pitfalls, such as procrastination and distractions?

Pinar Engur
6 replies
Whether you're a seasoned task-master or just starting your quest for efficiency, let's come together and exchange our insights. What techniques, tools, or mindsets do you find most effective in combating procrastination and minimizing distractions? How do you strike a balance between staying focused and embracing breaks?


Joe Gonzales
Creating a timetable, segmenting work into more manageable portions, and having well-defined objectives are all great ways to boost productivity and avoid classic productivity traps like procrastination and distractions. If you want to make consistent progress toward your goals, adopting tactics like time blocking, reducing distractions, and employing productivity tools will assist.
Lori King
One approach that has worked for me is creating a structured routine with designated time slots for focused work, incorporating regular breaks for rejuvenation, and finding accountability through a supportive community or partner who can help keep you motivated and on track.
Elizabeth Tishchenko
Basic list that works for me: 1 - Basic self-care (nutrition, enough sleep, exercises. There are a lot of minor tips to it. 2 - Organized a few full-focus 90-min sessions a day. Shut down all notifications, and hide a mobile phone. 3 - Pick 3 tasks for the day that you MUST finish today (unless priorities change)
Othmane Khadri
Put your phone away. Or Work is deep small intense sessions. 25 mins work, 5 mins rest. In 2h that's 1H40 of work.
Johan Liebert
It's amazing how many people procrastinate even when they know it will affect them negatively. But in reality, there are three types of procrastination: classic procrastination, creative avoidance, and priority dilution. Regards: Hochzeits-DJ Steiermark
Well, I find that a good old-fashioned pomodoro technique helps me fight procrastination. And as for distractions... oh look, a cute cat video 👹👹👹