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  • How can I find the ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) for my product/service?

    Akshay Thakor
    4 replies
    To give context, I'm building a platform that helps companies connect with the RIGHT "non-technical" talent for their hiring needs. Everything seems to be ready in terms of operations, delivery, and sales tools. I'm just stuck in the loop of thoughts of finding whom to target. From your experience, how should I approach this?


    Darwin Binesh
    I think it's a Venn diagram with two groups of people "have the pain" & "can make the purchasing decision." It could be VP, Manager, or lower in terms of title. You'll need a good offer. Worth it to test offers. Why would buyers choose your solution over others? Better pricing? Guaranteed results? Speed? Something better than a traditional recruiter, at the least. Content that attracts talent can work. Once you have the talent, it's easier to get buy-in from hiring managers, especially if it's risk-free. The first 100 users are often best earned from tactics that don't scale. If you already have the supply side and initial customers. The next step would be to decide on the right channel. Cold outreach works. Content can work. It's a matter of the economics with your price point and margins. You could also test out unpaid channels. My suggestions if you're looking for your first 100 customers. - find 100 people who have this pain. - reach out to them directly - give them an incredible price (even if you have to provide the service manually at first) - use that money to develop product and quickly pivot into a platform. For me, my offer is not very expensive. Most business owners can easily afford it, so I just stacked benefits, becoming a no-brainer. I pre-sold about 20 memberships and will sell another 10 or so before I build out the actual thing for them. I hope that helps!
    Akshay Thakor
    @darwin_binesh This was gold Darwin. Thank you so much man. This was extremely helpful. ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ™ Would you mind connecting on LinkedIn? I would LOVE to learn more about thelevelups. ๐Ÿš€
    Akshay Thakor
    How did you find your initial customer profile?