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  • How can bootcampers stand out?

    Tyler Dane
    6 replies
    What advice would you give recent dev bootcamp grads on how to stand out and get their first dev job? Bootcamp enrollment has skyrocketed since COVID while the dev market has gotten more competitive. Graduates are looking for ways to de-risk themselves and get that first interview for a junior role. I bump into a lot of bootcampers around where I live in Minneapolis and they're always asking what they can do to stand out. I usually recommend building in public, niching, and doing more direct outreach (vs clicking the Easy Apply button on LinkedIn). This community seems more senior, so curious what you would suggest.


    Shajedul Karim
    bootcamp grads are everywhere. that's true. but not all are created equal. first, gotta realize it's not just about tech skills. communication is key. if you can explain complex ideas simply, you're golden. next, specialize. find a niche within the dev world that excites you. get good at it. don't just rely on your bootcamp projects. build something on the side. something you're passionate about. it shows initiative. open source contributions matter. make them. it's networking, but for code. you get to collaborate, learn from pros, and it looks great on a resume. your online presence matters. blog about what you're learning. tweet. engage with communities. be active on github. direct outreach > easy apply. find companies you admire. reach out to them. personalize your approach. show you've done your homework. finally, don't undervalue soft skills. empathy, teamwork, adaptability. devs with these skills stand out. so yeah, dev market's competitive. but opportunities are still out there. make sure you're the one grabbing them.
    Prem Saini
    By demonstrating a strong work ethic, ongoing learning, successful cooperation, and a readiness to adapt and create in a dynamic and collaborative setting, bootcampers can stand out from the competition.
    Fabian Maume
    Launching a pet project on Product hunt can help.
    Tyler Dane
    @fabian_maume Wow that's a great idea. I unironically never thought about that, since I associate this site with full-fledged startups