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  • How are you leveraging the new code interpreter beta feature of ChatGPT ?

    Julien Fayad
    10 replies
    You can now ask GPT to perform operations on files that would require a code to be written for it. This can be quite handy to make some deep data analysis. Have you started using it ? How ?


    Emma White
    I think the best alternative to ChatGPT code interpreter is Arvin's Code Interpreter - Magicode. It's FREE.
    Austin Nguyen | Afforai
    It will be good for people who don't code, but personally, I didn't find any help with it.
    Julien Fayad
    Sections serverless engine
    Sections serverless engine
    @hungnguyenkhac7 I'm curious to know what you tried that didn't work out for you ?
    Austin Nguyen | Afforai
    @julien_fayad I tried to do some sentimental analysis with a toy dataset. It does well for simple tasks, but the Python environment is a bit limited and the complexity of the task is nothing that a programmer can't write with access to Google.
    Julien Fayad
    Sections serverless engine
    Sections serverless engine
    @hungnguyenkhac7 Indeed, the point is not to compare to what a developer could do (even though the time to do so could be used in a benchmark). But more to compare what a non dev. can do now without the help of a dev.
    Austin Nguyen | Afforai
    @julien_fayad Yes I agree, I was testing the limit to see what it can do. I do see that non-dev can benefit from this.
    Uma Venugopal
    I'd be interested to see the opinions and experiences of SMBs and B2B teams to this especially with the data privacy part.
    Julien Fayad
    Sections serverless engine
    Sections serverless engine
    @uma_venugopal there is no privacy here. you have to either anonymize your data or just share data you have no care keeping private
    Chel Chen
    Hey ChatGPT code interpreter still cost $$$, would you like to try for FREE with Arvin's code interpreter, powered by GPT-4