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  • How are you finding the interaction and engagement on Twitter compared to other platforms?

    Haiqa Irfan
    10 replies
    Any particular insights or strategies you've found effective?


    Nick Willstrop
    Twitter's real-time nature makes interactions more instant and engaging, especially with trending topics and hashtags. However, engagement can be hit-or-miss, and the platform can feel noisy compared to others like LinkedIn, where interactions are more meaningful and professional. Overall, Twitter is great for quick, topical interactions, but maintaining visibility requires consistent activity.
    Bilal Asif
    Launching soon!
    Twitter’s interaction and engagement feel much more instant and conversational compared to other platforms. I’ve noticed that joining trending conversations and using hashtags can really boost visibility. Also, Polls and questions are great for sparking discussions too. I personally find platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook are better for deeper, more professional connections. Hope this helps :)
    Outlit AI
    Outlit AI
    I think posting meme has helped me grow a lot on twitter lately, seems to resonate and attract new followers
    Luke Wright
    Honestly, I’m not thrilled with Twitter lately. It feels a bit chaotic and noisy compared to LinkedIn. I get more meaningful interactions on other platforms.
    Yung ruwala
    Engaging on Twitter feels more unforced and less formal compared to the more curated interactions on Pinterest.
    Lanfranco Iwanaga
    Twitter's brevity in posts fosters quick exchanges, whereas platforms like Reddit offer more in-depth discussions.
    Twitter offers real-time interactions and quick engagement, which is more immediate compared to other platforms Like Facebook .
    Teekaram Yogi
    i find twitter more engaging for trending topics and news, while other platforms like linkedIn are better for professional discussions.