Hot potato in your startup?

Raju Singh
8 replies
Share a hot potato in your startup and how do you plan to handle it in 2024.


Todd Gardner
We're going to launch Request Metrics with a free plan in January, and we'll need to keep the running costs low on those plans and try to convert some percentage. It's a balance of giving enough features that it's always valuable, but lock away enough that folks *WANT* to upgrade. We'll probably thrash a bit to get that balance right.
Sandhana Arkish
"Hot potato" in a startup means an issue that keeps getting passed around without anyone taking responsibility for resolving it.
Raju Singh
@mihajlokovacevic Well, with AI taking care of almost all areas, this is one area that will still trouble most founders. This involves a lot of creativity and AI is still far from it. Hope this also is taken care of by AI in the coming months if not years.