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  • Hola! We are launching soon. Multidisciplinary teams are involved, any advice is welcome!

    Eva Consuegra
    4 replies
    Hola, PH community! I must admit I love the PH experience so far; we are launching soon, and we will start our marketing campaign next week. Any advice to make this a fun journey for a multidisciplinary team?


    Julien Zmiro
    Top Product
    Hey! I'm definitely not an expert but some takeaways from my previous launches: - Come prepared. Have a good idea of the different activities you and your team will tackle throughout the day, have all the content and assets ready (e.g. if you're planning to do some outreach, write the messages in advance), prepare some responses to the most obvious questions people will have, make it clear who in the team is responsible of what etc. Launch day can be stressful and hectic if things work well so try to make it easier by doing some of the work in advance. - Don't hesitate to ask people for help. I always feel super uncomfortable asking people for support, but at the end of the day, most people are very happy to help. - It's ok if everything isn't perfect, but you should really nail your positioning and your main messages. It should be super clear what your product is doing and the value it can bring. So test your positioning and messaging prior to the launch, and iterate until you feel confident enough. Best of luck for your launch! Let me know if I can be of any help!
    Eva Consuegra
    @zmiro "It's ok if everything isn't perfect" yeah! My motto is: Enjoy the ride! Thanks for your advice :)
    Aditi Rao
    Congratulations Eva!! SayData is launching on the 17th Aug! Would love to support each other :) So far, in term of the marketing response the PH community has been super welcoming. I would second Julien's advice here, don't be afraid to reach out to community members for help, I was surprised with the positive responses we've received. Consistent engagement and posting on your social media channels will go a long way. Focus on building value driven content, that can actually help your audience. Also, emphasis on building rapport and genuine relationships with PH members has helped us a lot.
    Eva Consuegra
    @aditi_rao1 Gracias! Great advice. Break a leg on your launching! We will follow your growth.