Ho do you plan your travel?

Oleksandr Buratynskyi
21 replies
Vacation or Business related


Anastasia Chaikovska
Surf around social media for best, iconic locations, check them, on Google and compose a plan 😌
Oleksii Volkov
No plans for travel so far. Let's win the war first.
Nolan Wang
Food spots before hotel choice before plane ticket options lol
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
@nolan_wang that’s my bro 💪 where do you look for those?
Ryan Zhang
I usually start by researching the destination's top attractions and local experiences on travel blogs and forums to create a must-visit list. Then, I organize my itinerary around those spots, making sure to leave some room for spontaneous adventures!
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
@ryan_motiff have you ever tried ready- made itineraries?
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
@ryan_motiff that’s pretty thorough. what kind of tools do you use?
Milli Sen
- Google the top destinations and the hottest attractions - Check social media, Trip Advisor for hotels, restaurants, activities
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
@millisen Would love you to test our product https://www.producthunt.com/prod... it saves time and consists of human verified travel experience which is opposite from what Google have
Tammy Martin
When planning my travel adventures, I like to start with a bit of research to discover unique destinations and hidden gems. I often browse through travel blogs, forums, and websites to gather inspiration. One of my favorite resources is https://www.melancong.com.my/tem..., which offers a plethora of fascinating places to explore in Perak, Malaysia. After narrowing down my options, I create a rough itinerary to ensure I make the most of my time in each location. Flexibility is key though, as unexpected discoveries along the way often lead to the most memorable experiences. Lastly, I always make sure to pack light and stay organized to minimize stress during my travels.
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
@tammy_martin1 Thank you for suggesting! We're looking for Creators that can share their experience through our app and save money and time for other travellers https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Denis Angilella
Thanks for sharing your favorite resource @tammy_martin1 ! We have a similar process when planning vacations with our kids. I tend to focus on blogs from families who travel and relate firsthand experiences (btw, my curated list is here). After selecting activities from blog posts, I search more information on them on websites and Google maps reviews.
When planning my travel, I always rely on Pakistan Railway for its convenience and affordability. I start by checking the pak railway ticket price and then decide on my destination. Once I have selected my destination, I book my tickets online through the Pakistan Railway website or visit the nearest railway station to purchase them. This way, I can ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey across the country.
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
@giuterbee That is great! I encourage you to try detailed travel plans in our product for other destinations https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Kamal Iftekhar
When planning my travel, I typically start by conducting thorough research on destinations, accommodations, and activities that align with my interests and budget. I utilize various resources such as online travel platforms, guidebooks, and recommendations from friends or online communities to gather information. Once I've chosen a destination, I create a detailed itinerary that includes transportation, accommodations, sightseeing, and dining options. Additionally, I ensure that all necessary travel documents, vaccinations, and travel insurance are in order. Throughout the planning process, I remain flexible to accommodate any unexpected changes or opportunities that may arise. For those interested in exploring the enchanting landscapes of Oman's Wadi Bani Khalid, consider embarking on a memorable Wadi Bani Khalid tour to discover the natural wonders of this hidden gem.
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
@kamal_iftekhar Thank you ! Looks pretty thorough! With our product we're aiming to save your time, money and emotional stability because you know how different could be information from internet and reality )) https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
alex Ivanovski
i just buy tickets, travel insurance, book the room and the car normally. Check if i need any other things, like vignettes etc. For example i am going to Slovenia next week and had to order myself a vignette here https://vignetteslovenia.eu in order to use the highway.
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
@alex_ivanovski Thank you for sharing! We're launching product that will help you get guaranteed positive travel experience https://www.producthunt.com/prod...