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  • High Productivity vs Better Time Management. Which should be considered prior to other?

    Utkarsh Raj
    25 replies
    Productivity and time management are related, but they are not the same thing. Productivity is about doing more work in less time, while time management is about using your time effectively and efficiently to achieve your goals. Would love to hear your views on this !!!


    Natalie Mastracci
    Sometimes more is not more... and there's only so much more you can realistically do. Protecting your calendar is the first step. Have to give yourself time to get ANYthing done. Then having ruthless priorities will help you to keep focusses on the work that will be the most worth that precious time. How about you?
    Utkarsh Raj
    @nmastracci For me planning my day is the first task of the day and analysing my day is last. I prioritise my work accordingly. But sometime we need to be flexible for the unforseen tasks, so I am always ready for that too.
    Natalie Mastracci
    @utkarsh_raj3 are you a pen and pepper person or digital tracking?😯
    Utkarsh Raj
    @nmastracci Not using perticular app for this. Pen and paper most of the time!! What about you ?
    Natalie Mastracci
    @utkarsh_raj3 totally agree, I need that notebook to be accountable for my day. Not sure if you get the same feeling, but when I’m physically writing down everything I have to do it makes me prioritize with a harsher lens and really only work on the items that give the biggest impact.
    Pankaj Gulati
    I achieve high productivity only with time management and planning your day.
    Utkarsh Raj
    @pankaj_gulati Exactly planning your day is indeed a good way to make your day productive!!
    Manan Suri
    I believe that productivity and time management need not be mutually exclusive features. In the longer run, time management prevents burnout and is thus ensures consistent productivity, as opposed to sporadic and singular experiences of productivity which come with the absence of proper time management!
    Utkarsh Raj
    @patrick_kessler Great point !! Priority matrix can help us in understanding what is more important for us to do at some point of time.
    Sana Midha
    In my opinion better time management should should take precedence over high productivity. Time management is the key to achieving maximum productivity. When one manages their time correctly, they can focus on tasks more efficiently and get more done in less time. This leaves more time for rest and relaxation, which is essential for mental and physical health. Time management also helps one become more organized and productive, which can lead to higher levels of productivity.
    Richard Gao
    I think they go hand in hand. If you manage your time properly, then you'll be the most productive.
    Muhammad Toha
    when someone has a lot of experience in a job, then he gets the job done faster. But a beginner with good time management and discipline will surpass it
    Jayesh Soni
    If I had to choose one of these factors to consider prior to the other, I would choose good time management because having good time management skills can help you to prioritize tasks and ensure that you are focusing on the most important things first. This can help to increase your overall productivity by ensuring that you are spending your time wisely and not wasting it on tasks that are not important.
    Rhymer Espinosa
    One thing I learned working with US Airways and American Airlines is time management is the key to success. Better time management produces high-quality productivity.
    MJ Maquiling
    With time management I can be more productive
    Anshaj Goyal
    It is important to consider both high productivity and good time management in order to be effective and successful in your work or personal life. High productivity refers to the ability to produce a significant amount of work or achieve a lot in a short period of time. This can involve being organized, setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, and using effective strategies to complete work efficiently. Good time management, on the other hand, involves using your time wisely and effectively. This can involve setting realistic goals, prioritizing tasks, avoiding distractions, and using techniques like time blocking or the Pomodoro technique to stay focused and on track. Ultimately, both high productivity and good time management are important and can complement each other. By being productive, you can make the most of the time you have available, and by managing your time well, you can ensure that you have the time and energy to be productive.
    Utkarsh Raj
    @anshaj_goyal Yes both is equally important to acheive our maximum potential!
    High productivity generally means greater efficiency and effectiveness in work. Better time management, on the other hand, refers to strategies that you use to make the most of your time and achieve your goals. Both are important for success, but it is better to focus initially on high productivity before improving your time management skills. By doing so, you will be able to accomplish more within the same amount of time overall. Additionally, by improving your productivity first, you can improve organizational skills as well as boost morale among team members.
    Utkarsh Raj
    @manoj_dave Well said Gaining productivity first is very important!!