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  • Hi, I'm an author and C-level in a top e-com growth company AMA

    Casper Brix
    33 replies
    In 2023, I finished and published my first book next to my (very) demanding C-level position in one of the fastest growing e-commerce companies in my country 🇩🇰 AMA


    Olinda Gray
    Wow, managing a C-level role and writing a book is no small feat. Hats off to you! What inspired you to start writing in the first place?
    Casper Brix
    @olinda_grayy Thank you! I guess my interests got the better of me. It wasn't the plan to write a book but I had a meeting with the Danish Mental Health Fund (Psykiatrifonden) and found some statistics showing a correlation between choice overload and mental health decline. So, I decided to use my experience within decision-making processes and consumer behavior to explore the topic. And, then, one thing led to another, and +2 years down the road my book was released 😂 Now, luckily it's possible to decrease that time to launch significantly. E.g. with the tools we've built in First Book ai and will launch next week: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    Hey Casper! I'm often in SOHO, copenhagen! If you happen to be there when I am, I'd love a chat! (founder of a 20+ people startup)
    Casper Brix
    @gabriele_mazzola That would be awesome! Reach out to me on LinkedIn and let's set it up: https://www.linkedin.com/in/casp...
    Anastasiia Stepko
    Hey Casper! What do you like and hate the most about your daily routine?
    Casper Brix
    @anastasiia_stepko Hi Anastasiia, perhaps you can elaborate a bit?
    Anastasiia Stepko
    @casper_brix Sorry for the confusion! I meant that with such a busy schedule you might have some specific daily routine. So I wonder what part of it you enjoy the most and what might really be more on the annoying side.
    Casper Brix
    @anastasiia_stepko No, all good! Just wanted to make sure I could answer in the best way :) I like deep work in the morning hours so that is still something I do. However, I try to leave work in the evenings at the office - as I find it difficult to "shut off" when working till late at home. What works for you?
    Elaine Lu
    Hi Casper, it's great to have someone with your experience here! I'm curious, what strategies have you found most effective for driving growth in e-commerce?
    Casper Brix
    @elaineluyi Thank you! Well, I think there's a big difference between top and bottom growth. Meaning, that it is "easy" to scale revenue but you quickly realize that data is king and you need to ensure all steps lead towards profitability - without it, you have no capital for growth. And, thus, it becomes a downward negative spiral. Hope it is useful :)
    M Sulaiman
    Huge congratulations, Casper! 🎉 What was the most challenging part of writing your book while holding a high-pressure position? How did you manage your time effectively? I'm sure many authors and entrepreneurs would love to know your secrets!
    Casper Brix
    @b2bsulaiman Thank you! It required strict time management. So, I think my everyday went something like - 05-09am writing on my book - 09-17 normal work - 17-19pm reading what I wrote and prepare for next day's writing session (in my normal work didn't go too late) I'm not going to lie. It required a lot of effort. That's also why I've created First Book ai to take all my learnings and help first-time authors finish and publish their book. ... Without having to sacrifice their social life! You can check it out here: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    M Sulaiman
    @casper_brix I can imagine it wasn't easy to balance a high-pressure position with writing a book. I'm sure many will benefit from your experience and expertise. I just clicked on the Notify me Button! Best of luck with your future endeavors!
    My3 Murthy
    Did you write it or did you use a ghostwriting service? I am looking into it too and wondering if I can talk to someone who has done it before
    Casper Brix
    @my3_murthy Yes, feel free to reach out! I would love to share my advice :) After spending +2 years on my first book, I think that the future of AI brings some great tools. Not to write your book 100% without you doing any of the work. But it can definitely help you save 99% of the time spent by guiding you step-by-step like we do with First Book ai. You can catch me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/casp...
    Elaine Lu
    Hi Casper, it's great `to see an experienced author and C-level exec from a top e-com growth company here! Looking 2fo rward to your insig hts and co2ntributio2ns to the2 dis2cussion.
    Peter Hansen
    I will keep your AMA offer in mind. I may come back later as I'm in the middle of a start-up. Tak Casper
    Casper Brix
    @trumpeter And let's connect. Seems like you're doing some great work: https://www.linkedin.com/in/casp...
    Eraj Ismatulloev
    Hi Casper, Given your background wanted to get your insights on this. So there's a concern that AI could replace human roles in the publishing industry, such as editors or proofreaders and others. What's your opinion on this? Thanks and congrats!
    Casper Brix
    @ieraj Hi, thank you for your question! We work with publishers and I know that they are concerned and/or excited about the future. In my opinion, there will still be proofreaders and editors - since great books require a personal human touch (at least for now). That's also why we recommend getting one from our team to review and help publish if the book is to hit the #1 rank in stores. Read more of our coming launch here: https://www.producthunt.com/prod... However, I think that AI can provide a lot of helpful tools for the publishing industry - as it is still very manual. I hope this answers your question. If not, please let me know and I can elaborate :)
    Hey Casper, what are the biggest challenges you guys face in marketing in your industry? Especially around digital & social media specifically? Also, what are your favorite tools for social media marketing & what do you like about them?
    Casper Brix
    @kshitij11 Thank you for your question. Exciting about your launch, I've set up a notification now. Well, there are a lot of different ways to address the questions. Here are some. 1) Paid acq. channels like Google are getting more expensive. So, it's about owning the channels like with e-mail but it is a long transition. 2) Can you elaborate in regards to tools? Is it for paid? Organic? If you want to support our coming launch of First Book ai - and our goal to help make people authors - you can support us here: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    @casper_brix Thank you for subscribing. I'm confident you'll find a lot of value from our tool when we're live :) For the tools, I'm interested in both paid and organic, but maybe I'd be more focused on Instagram. We're building in the same field, so it would help us understand user pains & likings better. Also, First Book ai looks really interesting, would follow your launch and try out on launch day!
    Sidra Arif
    Dialog AI
    Dialog AI
    Launching soon!
    Hi Casper, It's rare to find people with an e-commerce background on Product Hunt, but I am glad to see you. I also have an e-commerce store and would love to learn from your experience. I would be happy to connect on LinkedIn as well: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sidr...
    Casper Brix
    @sidraref Definitely, let's connect! My LinkedIn is swamped before our launch next week so I can't connect with anymore people. Feel free to send me a connection: https://www.linkedin.com/in/casp... 🙏 Also, I would love your support for our launch if possible: https://www.producthunt.com/prod... Looking forward to talking further
    Sure, I can help you with that. Let's explore how Contentify can simplify the process of creating and publishing content across various platforms with the help of AI agents. Contentify's AI-powered tools can assist in generating engaging visuals, captions, and blog posts, optimizing SEO, and automating scheduling and publishing tasks. Contentify can streamline your content creation process and help you maintain a consistent brand identity across all your online platforms. Try Contentify AI for Free here just look up Contentify AI
    Gurkaran Singh
    Wow, juggling a top e-com role and authorship! That's like optimizing website conversions while crafting the plot twists - talk about multitasking like a pro! How did you manage to find time between board meetings and book signings?