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  • Hey tech-founders, what is the biggest problem with building a landing page for you?

    Alexey Shashkov
    47 replies
    Our startup, Getlanding, is in the discovery phase, and we might generate a landing page for you in 3 designs. It will be simple HTML files that you can change. You describe your startup or side project, and we will come back soon with 3 versions of a landing page created just for you. It will only cost $10 if you like it. If you are interested, drop me a line.


    Marietta Iyinbor
    i think i might be interested
    Alexey Shashkov
    @aita_iyinbor Hi, Marietta! This is awesome. I’m curious to know about your experience. Can we hop on Zoom?
    Dawn Veltri
    It takes me forever because I'm not a developer. Where are the pages hosted?
    Alexey Shashkov
    @dawn_veltri1 Hey Dawn. This question is for tech-founders only. The pages are hosted on your hosting.
    @dawn_veltri1 Hi Dawn, thank you for your answer. Do you need to host pages on your infrastructure or you will be fine if Getlanding serves it for you? If I may ask how frequently do you need to creat landing pages?
    Dawn Veltri
    @shashcoffe Gotcha, I see that now. Our tech founder would say that he's not a writer and doesn't know the best way to communicate the value of our product in a way that makes people take action.
    Dawn Veltri
    @artdaw I've created 7 in the last month. We've been doing a lot of online conferences and I need a landing page specific to each one. I also have separate landing pages optimized for each ad we are running.
    Alexey Shashkov
    @dawn_veltri1 Dawn, yeah, I feel the problem with nailing the copy is the most frequent problem in landing page building. And I'm so curious how did you create so many landing pages in the last month. Can we hop on Zoom and chat a little? I'd want to know what you are working on and add you to my network.
    Margarita Shvetsova
    For us, one of the problems is that our website is available in multiple languages. And every time we changed something on one page in one language, we need to adjust the text in other languages too, otherwise it will not be displayed correctly... Another problem is when marketers and devs can't come to an agreement what they want to list on the landing page πŸ˜… Sorry, I think these are not the kind of answers you needed... πŸ˜‡
    @margarita_s88 Margarita, thank you for the insightful answer. How do you manage to have an agreement between devs and marketers? I wonder why devs even disagree with something :)
    Alexey Shashkov
    @margarita_s88 Margarita, how would you like to hop on Zoom and chat?
    Margarita Shvetsova
    @artdaw hi Gleb, well maybe our situation is special... because a couple of people from our dev team are the key makers of the product, and they would like to have their say in positioning the product πŸ™‚
    Margarita Shvetsova
    @shashcoffe thanks for your suggestion, but I think we'll just waste time - we have already had our website for a very long time and there are programmers working on it, and we also have a way for the marketing team to create quick landing pages (not exactly the way we would like to, but still), so I will have to politely decline :)
    Mainly the issue was the Responsive display - checking the design works well on other platforms...
    @maxwellcdavis Hi Maxwell, thank you for your answer. What products do you use for creating landing pages? Can you please elaborate a little bit about the responsive display. What exactly do you mean and what will be your ideal solution?
    @artdaw Well it's just sometimes the nice spacing, the movement of the elements (i.e. the order doesn't look as nice in a mobile form). I don't know what the ideal solution would be apart from having 3 designs - Desktop, tablet and mobile....
    @maxwellcdavis would it help if you describe the project/startup you work on and we get to you back with 3 different landing page designs? These pages are fully responsive and look good for desktop, mobile and tablet?
    Alexey Shashkov
    @maxwellcdavis Maxwell, let’s have a Zoom? I’d want to know about your project and your experience in website building. Can we?
    Linda Miles
    I think the biggest challenge is to decide what/ how much content needs to go on the site w/ out jeopardizing performance. For us the trick was to re-use SVGs through-out the page while maintaining the illusion of a graphics-loaded page. Despite of a lot of graphical appearance we kept our load-time just under 400ms! Check it out https://cogency.io
    @artknight Hi Linda, 400ms is an impressive achievement. Did you consider lazy load a part of the page below the fold? This trick usually saved a lot of traffic and increase performance. Especially it helps in case you have a video somewhere in the middle of a page.
    Linda Miles
    @artdaw yeah we lazy-load the images and videos, however there is a better way to create an illusion of a video with css animations, and it reduces the file size by like 90% as compared to loading a video file.
    Linda Miles
    @shashcoffe if you dont mind me asking.. what do you like/dislike about it?
    Alexey Shashkov
    @artknight Linda, I'd really like to chat with you about your landing page. Why don't we call in Zoom and get to know each other and talk about it?
    Linda Miles
    @shashcoffe Yeah sure, but we can use Cogency Video for that.. i can setup a meet. Let me know your availability
    Sam Kamrani
    My biggest challenge is actually the content. I want to showcase what problems we're solving and at the same time avoiding making it look like a sales pitch! Would be great if I could receive some advise on that, or maybe some samples/templates I could chose from. I'd definitely pay for such a content/service. By the way we provide DevOps service which can help your customers deploy their landing page into their own cloud platform (AWS, Azure, GCP, DO) in a few clicks, if you like the idea we can perhaps discuss a collaboration.
    Alexey Shashkov
    @m_kamrani Hi Mohsen, thank you for your answer. What solution did you use for building your website utopiops.com? What if we hop on Zoom and chat more about your problem with the content and our collaboration?
    Sam Kamrani
    @shashcoffe Hi Alexey, we just grabbed a template we like, and we're all developers so no problem customizing it to our needs. And I like the idea to chat on Zoom, we can do it as soon as possible. Just we have to set a time and that's it, I'm in AEDT timezone.
    Alexey Shashkov
    @m_kamrani Mohsen, I’d really want to talk to you about the process when you grab a template and what’s going on next. Can I share with you my Calendly to book a day and time slot quickly? Where do I write to you?
    Sam Kamrani
    @shashcoffe Sure, Candly sounds good, if you share it here we can set the time, or you can use my link: https://calendly.com/mohsen-utop...
    Alexey Shashkov
    @m_kamrani Mohsen, I apologize, but I had to reschedule the meeting from Friday to Monday. For personal reasons. I hope you don't mind?
    Ali Alghamdi
    content or copywrite
    Alexey Shashkov
    @alghamdiaag Hi Ali. Can you explain that problem in more detail? What is the hardest part of creating content or copy?
    Gavin Morgan
    Copywriting's not our (biggest) problem; I capture a decent amount of quality verbiage throughout the course of my work-week. Neither is getting it hosted, or updated; I'm already in the codebase, and we deploy multiple times a day. For me the difficulty is thinking in terms of layout: breaking up walls of text, interlacing them with appropriate (thematic, and/or explanatory) imagery and, heck, appropriate SPACE! I am just in awe of github.com's EPIC 18263 pixel landing JOURNEY. I don't know if a scroll of such thorough proportions would be relevant to our user (let's be honest; we offer many fewer features than Github, at this stage) but what I find most intriguing (aside from the fact that they've obviously sunk a large budget into it, which I trust them (more than most) not to have wasted) is the variety of media positioned across the space. A few big words, a few little ones. Some bright, some demure. A massive splash image, a little cartoon. A long-running motif decorated with intermittent chunks of screenshot, itself segmented into alternating brightness chapters showcasing... broad feature-sets? use-cases? value propositions? Frankly, I am stunned just trying to parse it. We probably don't need 85% of those bells and whistles. I've been thinking in UI elements all my adult life, but the anatomy of a landing page escapes me. I don't even have a pattern language in which to ideate! I can more easily write and storyboard a screenplay than write and storyboard a landing page. Just this morning I took down the wall of text I'd written in favor of, well, just a splash image. Maybe that's all we need, at this stage, but I can't help thinking we could educate our users a little more before they dive in. Maybe "prime" them a little better. Or is that a job for the application, itself?
    Alexey Shashkov
    @gavmor Hi Gavin. I'm not sure I understood the problem you have. Can you state the problem clearly in two sentences? Can you define the problem narrowly?
    Gavin Morgan
    @shashcoffe Sure: my problem is I'm not practiced in the pattern language of landing pages; I'm landing-page illiterate. But, worse than that, I don't understand why they're necessary; aren't they, at worst, an obstacle course?