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  • Hey. I'm Harry Dry, founder of Marketing Examples. AMA 👇

    Harry Dry
    66 replies
    Two and a half years ago, I started Marketing Examples. People liked the case studies. So I left my job and went full-time. Since then, they've been read by more than one million people. Which... still blows my mind. Ask me anything about growing the site and newsletter to 90,000 subscribers. Or share what you're working on and get a few quick marketing and copywriting tips. Cheers. Update #001 — Replying atm. Update #002 — All done. Thanks. Молитви за Україну


    Wiktoria Jaszcza
    Hi Harry, thank you for your great work. Does moving to "the middle of nowhere" help you get inspired?
    Harry Dry
    @w_j Hey WJ — Thank you. Appreciate it. Not so much get inspired. More remove all distractions and focus. Let's say I move to Scotland for three months. Then I can zone in. I have one purpose. One goal. Like a heavyweight boxer with a fight date. Without it they're just floating in the wind.
    Daniel Kyne
    Hey Harry — your content has been super influential in shaping our marketing approach at OpinionX, so thank you for the work that you do! Question: Do you feel like the Community Distribution approach (ie. www.marketingexamples.com/conten...) to getting new content out there is still as relevant as when you wrote it 2 years ago? Does it still reflect your strategy for distributing new content? Daniel, Co-Founder & CEO of OpinionX (https://opinionx.co)
    Harry Dry
    @daniel_kyne Hey Daniel — So the answer is contextual. My approach worked *for me* at *the time*. I didn't have a big startup budget to spend on ads. The articles weren't geared for SEO. And I had no existing audience to help promote.So I had to do all the heavy lifting. But things have evolved... For example when I launched Copywriting Examples my promotion was different. I had 90,000 on an email list so I ran a really big giveaway asking everyone on the list to share my launch posts on LinkedIn and Twitter... That was the easiest way to get the word out there... But you can only do that when you have the audience. One thing I still believe is that you should focus on taking the time to make great stuff and repurposing across all platforms. For example right now I'll share a short example for the website. Then that example goes on the newsletter, on Twitter, on LinkedIn, on Instagram. 4 birds. 1 stone. But even this is a little contextual. Because a lot of content written for SEO has no real place on Twitter etc... Anyhow. Hope this helped :)
    Ryan Gilbert
    Q: What are some of your main growth tactics for the newsletter specifically?
    Harry Dry
    @ryangilbert Hey Ryan — Quick checklist • A format people like. Not just I write a newsletter sometimes... • My newsletter is my content marketing. • I share it natively on other platforms. Then say subscribe to the newsletter. It's a loop. • Website popup that converts well • Newsletter issues live as blogs on my website. That's the honeypot that attracts people • Cross Promos. Encouraging subscribers to share
    Sharath Kuruganty
    Undefeated Underdogs Podcast
    Undefeated Underdogs Podcast
    What's the experience of working on the Kanye project? And how did it change your life?
    Harry Dry
    Hey @5harath — Thanks for inviting me to do this :) • If you want to make money don't start a dating site • There are no adults. Everyone is making it up as they go along. Figure it out yourself. And do it. • I was hungry and foolish. It's a powerful combination. The Kanye Story for anyone interested. I don't think it changed my life. Was just another business of mine that ultimately failed and I learnt a lot from it...
    Harry, I've been following you through the years, getting inspired, and learning a lot, not only for marketing/copywriting but also for making projects and consistency. Thanks for that. Currently, I'm working on transforming my design/development agency into a learning resources platform. After 15+ years, I really do not enjoy working directly with people for their businesses and their goals. It would be great to have a second look: https://1984.design 👀
    Harry Dry
    Hey @boraoztunc — Thank you. Appreciate the kind words. The design is very nice. Some thoughts: • The copy generally is too vague. You need to get specific. For example “Be part of a global creative community”... “Get feedback from 75 designers...” Try and rewrite every paragraph and make it more specific. • There's no social proof. This is the lowest hanging fruit to fix. Go onto Copywriting Examples. Filter “Social Proof”. Find an example you like. Fill up the page with real faces and short quotes. • The pricing section is confusing. I think the free studying plan might negatively impact conversions to the Working Plan. I'd cut the “studying plan” out completely. And then just add a section or a line that you're supporting students and they can get it for free. Free for students is cool. But putting them side by side like that it just makes the paid plan look bad. • Not a huge fan of the general offer. I'd repackage as “the place for a [specific group of designers]. Tools and resources is a bit vague and fluffy. Sorry haven't got a better alternative off the top of my head. • Got no idea who Don Norman is • Put yourself into it. Who are you. What have you done. Why should I want to join your community. Good luck.
    Alan Cassinelli
    Hey Harry, really enjoy your content. Would love your 2c on the copywriting on https://www.almanac.io
    @alancassinelli i'm getting 522 error, btw. Would love a copywriting feedback community. Does that exist?
    Harry Dry
    @alancassinelli Hey Alan — Appreciate the kind words. Some thoughts: • Add some above the fold social proof. Just below the free account button. “Rated 4.6/5 by 2400 customers” or “290 accounts created in the last 7 days” • Too many cliches. E.g. “Unleash your creativity — Create dynamic docs that are only constrained by your imagination”. This really tells me very little. It's a project management app. You're talking to us like we're Pablo Picasso. I'd get more specific. I'd follow this “features and benefits” pattern 1/ Write down the feature 2/ Ask, “so what?” to find the benefit 3/ Contrast the *old way* with your *new way* • You can do much better than “Work Differently” as the main value prop. Write the title only you can. Hundreds of companies could write that. I've been a bit scathing. But the visuals and app look very impressive. Good luck!
    Alex Rodriguez
    Hey Harry! Fan of your work and thanks for doing this. I'm working on a disc golf blog (thealbatross.net) and weekly newsletter (https://thealbatross.beehiiv.com...). The blog covers the culture, big stories, interviews etc. And the newsletter curates the best content, stories, links around the disc golf world (like the hustle/morning brew but weekly for disc golf). I'm curious how you would approach growing the weekly newsletter which is the main focus right now but at the same time the blog? It's more of a passion project right now but something I believe can turn into something and even bring in revenue, eventually. Any feedback and advice is appreciated!
    Harry Dry
    @headhanchoarod Hey Alex — Cool idea. Wish you luck. Unfortunately, newsletters don't grow themselves. I'd focus on making each newsletter awesome. And the using that content throughout the week on social channels, Reddit, FB groups etc... to promote the newsletter. Essentially your newsletter is your content marketing. This is how I got my first 20,000 subscribers. I've written about this process in more detail here.
    Kat Fergerson
    Hey, Harry! Thanks for this. What's been your most surprising and best performing content strategy for growth?
    Harry Dry
    @kat_fergerson Hey Kat. My pleasure. Boring answer. But the answer is having a website that does *one thing very well*. 3000 people go to the website every day. 200 of those join the newsletter... My organic traffic is 300 / day. So that's 2700 people who just magically visit the website every day. Most content marketing is SEO or social media focused. The majority of my traffic is direct. People just telling their friends and people typing it into the search bar... So i think just trying to build the best resource in a very tight niche “Marketing Examples” and not doing much else has served me well. No jobs boards, no community, no SEO focused content. Just short, sweet examples. It's easy to sum up. It doesn't do much. But it's the best at what it does on the internet. And because of that you have days where you're featured no TikTok or The Hustle or whatever and it blows up... Hope that helps a little :)
    Ilija Rolović
    Holoframe | Augment your NFTs
    What happened to that marketing SaaS/course/project that you were working on?
    Harry Dry
    @ilijarolovic hey Ilija — So I had the idea for Copywriting Examples and thought this will be a quick two weeks and it turned into a long seven months... Back working on the course now Announcement soon. Appreciate the support.
    Tim Soulo
    So when are you joining Ahrefs team? :)
    Harry Dry
    @timsoulo Hey Tim. My thoughts are with you and your loved ones right now. I saw Ahrefs matching any donations. And if/when Ahrefs buy Marketing Examples.
    Liana Fricker
    Love your landing page tips. What no-code landing page tool do you recommend for service-based business (eg community, coaching, courses, consulting, etc)?
    Harry Dry
    @liana_fricker Hey Liana — Thank you very much. Sorry to give such a non answer. But I have absolutely no idea in this space. Can only wish you luck. Perhaps Google MakerPad (I hear it's pretty good)
    Pratik Sharma
    Hey I am building https://subask.in for slack. How do you go with marketing an app for a niche audience?
    Harry Dry
    @pratiksharm Hey Pratik I'd start by defining what your niche is. I go on your website and I don't see **who it's for**. E.g. — You could go after developers. “The Slack extension that boosts dev teams productivity” type thing... Then I'd start cold emailing developers. Take a leaf out of how Nathan Barry did direct sales in the early days of Convert Kit. When you get replies get feedback on the product. And see if you're building something people actually want... I'd try and validate the idea before going all out with the marketing...
    Congrats on all your growth mate. How would you grow the No CS Degree newsletter? :)
    Harry Dry
    @petecodes Hey Pete — Appreciate it Sir. Hope all's well with you. So, firstly, I think you could improve conversion on your site. • A more specific format. Right now you're hook is ”Get inspiration for learning to code” That's too vague for me. Get specific. E.g. 3 tips from No CS developers 2 success stories from the community 1 inspiring tweet • Add social proof to the popup ____________ Then the other half the battle is open rates and traffic. Re open rates • I'd encourage people to reply to the first email • I'd encourage unsubscribes. The “lazy mans” unsubscribe is mark as spam. That will massively hit your deliverability. So you really want to make it as easy as possible for folks to unsubscribe. • I'd encourage people to add to your address book. ______ And traffic. Ahh. It's midnight and I'm exhausted. Will have to hold that for another day :) Good luck man.
    Roman Vorozhtsov
    Hi Harry. Thank you for the chance to get feedback on the project. I made a project where you can download the software https://install.download. I plan to add paid consultations and software courses. I will be glad to hear your opinion about the idea.
    Harry Dry
    @roman_vorozhtsov Hey Roman — Pleasure. So... Am I missing something. Currently there's no title just a search bar. Coming to your website for the first time and seeing that is pretty confusing. So I'd add a simple line explaining exactly what the hell is happening. I'm not sure how much traffic you're getting atm... But yes. Broadly speaking a useful free app like this to fuel an agency / courses is a model I can definitely see work. Good luck. And my apologies to give not my best answer. Just it's very late in the UK and I need to go to bed. Good luck!
    Roman Vorozhtsov
    @harrydry Harry maybe you know the answer to this question about Facebook?https://www.producthunt.com/disc...
    Jon James
    What mistakes do you often see people make when it comes to the copy on their Product Hunt submissions?
    Harry Dry
    @jondotjames Hey Jon. Overcomplicate them. “Big things are best said in small words” • Copywriting Examples — The world's best copy. In one place • Remove BG — Remove the background of any image 100% automatically • Nomad List — Find the best cities to live and work remotely Make yourself easy to sum up :)
    Shivi Jalota
    Harry I subscribed to your newsletter and can I saw what a saviour that newsletter is. Perfectly written curated and adds so much value.
    Carsten Pleiser
    Hey @harrydry, I love your stuff. I'm sure you're getting loads of offers because you're so good at marketing. Would you consider leaving Entrepreneurship and working for someone else?
    Harry Dry
    @ckpleiser Hey Carsten — Congrats on the launch today. And the very kind words. I'll keep the answer short. No. Good luck with Paperless :)
    Lena Krzemieniewska
    Hey Harry! Thanks for your work, I'm often inspire by you in my marketing activities. I have two questions for you: 1. I heard today that "Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard". Since you give people mainly ideas, inspiration, would you agree that they may not cope with execution by themselves? 2. Would you consider using a tool to share your marketing/copywriting tactics if it exists or would you prefer still doing it your way, so in the loose feed like in your famous Marketing Examples? Thanks for your answers in advance! :)
    Harry Dry
    @lena_krzemieniewska Hey Lena — Thank you very much. Appreciate it. 1/ Oh... I couldn't agree more. Easy to talk about the “perfect cold email template”. Another thing to get up of your ass (well actually sit down on your ass) and send 50 of them every day! But I also think it's not a numbers game. Working as hard as Floyd Mayweather with no real strategy or plan won't get you anywhere! 2/ I don't really understand the question. But I'm quite happy sharing as is. On the website and social media.
    Hey Harry, how would you rank platforms (social, newsletters, forums. etc) according to their engagement rate and lead generation? And how do you determine specific content post was successful? Which metrics do you look at? Reach? Leads? Something else?
    Harry Dry
    @dtm0032 Hey sir! Thanks for sharing my Copywriting Examples project. I don't think there's a right answer. Theres no general “engagement rate” for each platform. It's contextual. E.g. — Fenty beauty is going to have more engagement on IG than Ahrefs... But broadly speaking I'd rather double down on 1 or 2 channels and make them awesome. Rather than be spread across a newsletter, podcast, IG, FB, TikTok. Growth is very non linear... The top 1% gets 99% of the attention. So work to get into that top 1% on whatever channel you choose. In answer to your second question — I'd say revenue is the goal of marketing. That's the North Star. But it can take a while to drip through... So then I'd look one step above in the funnel. For me... that would be email subscribers and open rates. You always want to pull people in as close to revenue as possible. Reach isn't that important. Millions of people watching some viral content on Instagram. But how many of them are coming back... Hope that helps a bit.