Hey, here's a new product for agency owners.
Robat Das
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Hello guys, we are planing to launch a new product in product hunt very soon. It's called 'Agency Handy'.
As the name indicates, our target customers are marketing agency owners who work with their in-house and outsourced team to fulfil client requirements like SEO, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Creative Service, and more.
Most of our target customers lack managerial skills in terms of setting up a robust project management system that keeps on running without minimal intervention from the agency owners. What that means for the agency owners is to be attached to the business operation like a glue all day long trying to solve bottlenecks, loosing sleeps over client deadlines, feeling bombarded with multiple client inquiries, and running around like a headless chicken without knowing which team member is supposed to deliver what part of the job by when.
Agency handy comes as a rescue in the process knowing all these problems, because many of the core founders are agency owners themselves. From their experience of running several marketing agencies, we have developed an all in one marketing agency management solution which solves all the marketing agency operation problem starting from receiving orders from the customers to onboarding them to assigning the client orders to a specific set of team members to breaking down the required tasks among multiple team members within specific deadline, to giving a client a real time reporting of the project without multiple layer of communication to instantly chatting with the client through web and mobile application and sharing documents categorized in specific folders all within a single platform.
What that means for the agency owners is with Agency Handy, they will be able to:
* Focus more on activities that can help them grow their agency
* Get real time status update on all client projects anytime anywhere
* Get involved in the client communication only when it is necessary
* Grow an internal culture of accountability, transparency, and productivity
* Efficiently manage client expectations without breaking the bank
I wanna know how many of youexcitesd about the product? also what exceptional features do you wanna see? I will soon share our current feature list in the next discussion. if you provide me any tips tricks to success in product hunt that will be generours too.
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