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  • Help with making software

    Jonathan Smith
    2 replies
    Hello all, I am new to this forum. I just started a company named Jon-Tha-Geeks LLC and I am working on my first app to put out onto the market. I am wanting to develop a Coffin and Headstone Design application for all platforms. The app will allow users to drag and drop components onto a 3D Coffin or Headstone and render it so that the user can see how it would look on a funeral plot. The problem is I do not know where to start. I only was taught the basics of programming and how to break down this problem into steps. Could someone lead me in the right direction on how to piece together everything to make the app?


    Ruyun Li
    Hi, My name is Ruyun Li. I read your job description and I believe that I would be very helpful on your project because I built a similar platform before. https://configurator.smartmetall... This is the live link that I built. The platform is built with React and Three.js. If you are interested in me, please contact me. This is my email. Kingstardev9999@gmail.com Thanks.
    Daniel Peter
    Developing a software application can be a challenging task, especially if you are new to the field. Here are some steps you can take to get started: Research: Look into similar apps that are already on the market and study their features, design, and functionality. This will give you an idea of what to expect and what you need to include in your app. Break down the problem: As you mentioned, you have already broken down the problem into steps. This is a great start! Now you need to create a detailed plan of what you want your app to do and how you will achieve it. Learn the necessary skills: You will need to learn the necessary programming languages and technologies to build your app. Some popular languages for app development are Java, C#, and Swift. You will also need to learn about 3D rendering, which can be done using libraries such as Three.js, A-Frame, and Babylon.js. Build a prototype: Once you have a plan and the necessary skills, start building a prototype of your app. This will help you identify any potential problems and make adjustments before you begin the full development process. Collaborate: You can reach out to other developers and designers to help you out with the project. You can also look into hiring a developer or a team to help you out. Practice: Keep practicing and experimenting with different tools and technologies to improve your skills. With time, patience and consistent practice, you will be able to make your app. By the way, check out this cool tool at https://namecombinertool.com/ which can be helpful for you in future.