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  • Hello people, any tips that you'd like to share with your fellow launch mates?

    Hemalatha Rajendran
    3 replies


    Anna Kasumova
    I am preparing for the launch on Product Hunt during 4 months. What did I do all this time? 1) I tried to build community there, I engaged in discussions, I created discussions, I upvoted discussions, I even got the badge "Buddy System" because I replied to new community members. 2) I upvoted new products. I didn't write anything like "Great product". I really tried to analyze all the things in new products. That's why I got a lot of badges (Bright Idea, Good Find, Pixel Perfection). Seeing this, other members upvoted my comments and followed me. 3) Link your twitter and linkedin profiles to your PH account. After this, the system will automatically find your followers in social networks, and they will be automatically follow you on PH. It will give some weight to your account. 4) Be open and kind to makers. Try to find their accounts in LinkedIn or Twitter, communicate with them, ask their feedback about your product. It's communication and building a community! They also can ask you to give feedback about their products. Give it, reply, comment, upvote, collect. So you can build a community which can also help you when you need. 5) Ask questions. Not just write comments, but ask about pricing, idea, naming. To say truth, all makers need this, we need attention to our product. It makes us happy. 6) Live your experience, add your important things. It's just my opinion, and I haven't launched yet. So I can't tell that this guaranteed will lead to success. But I try. After launch I will show you my results 7) Don't worry. PH is not the only one way to promote your product and get feedback. At least you can launch your product there every 6 months. It's one of the tools. But using a tool must be effective. I will be glad if I can help you. Please support me by clicking Notify me on my product page.
    Hemalatha Rajendran
    @anna_kasumova Great points, all of these will definitely be helpful for new commnuity members. I already follow your page and am looking forward to your launch.