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  • Have you used Podcasts as a lead generation tool?

    Stewart Townsend
    4 replies
    Is this something you have done or had success with? Building out our case studies of clients who have been building targeted leads through being a guest on podcasts but also researching target customers who have appeared as guests to find more information on their interests and how they think to support a cold outreach campaign. Have you developed a strategy as a guest on podcasts that works for you/your business? Lets discuss :-)


    I think I've only appeared on one or two podcasts run by others. May be I should explore appearing in others.
    Swapnil D Puranik
    I haven't actively looked at Podcasts as lead gen channel, despite being a guest on on few podcasts (mostly inbound). But maybe, now is the time! :)
    Daniel Burns
    I have been a guest on several podcasts a while ago, but I was primarily focusing on thought leadership and networking. Perhaps next time I should shift my focus more on lead gen :).
    Rofy Okyere-Forson
    I haven't but this sounds like something that might have some potential. Might be a good one to explore some more. Thanks for sharing your thought!