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  • Have you used eSignatures to sign documents? what was your first thought about it? Fancy or Useful?

    Malisha Creancy
    7 replies


    Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
    Yes, I've used them, but if you want something that will stand trial in a court, it becomes more difficult than sending out a paper signature.
    Malisha Creancy
    @mogthesify That’s a valid point. When it comes to court, they can be a bit trickier compared to good old paper signatures. If you need something with strong legal backing, it might be worth looking into platforms with extra security and compliance features.
    Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
    @malisha_creancy indeed we did. And all of them are terribly cumbersome from the UX perspective. Exchanging letters may take longer for the exchange of letters, but it takes much longer for the individuals involved.
    Fraser B
    Yes, it’s definitely a time saver. Great so I don’t have to waste paper and printer ink. Unless it’s my accountant however, they won’t even accept scans 🤷‍♂️only physical documents.
    Malisha Creancy
    @fraser_b I’m with you on this—eSignatures are a great way to reduce paper and ink, which is awesome for the environment. As for your accountant's need for physical documents, it might be due to compliance or legal reasons. It could be worth discussing if there are any exceptions or alternatives like certified electronic copies or secure electronic signatures. By the way, Evia Sign Sign offers advanced eSignature features, including a digital certificate seal for every document and verification techniques to ensure the right person is signing. It might be worth checking out!
    Ishan Shah
    Definitely useful, eSignatures are such a time saving things but yes, issues do arise while using them as a lot of important documents don't accept them
    Malisha Creancy
    @ishan_shah11 Totally agree—eSignatures are definitely taking over for a lot of transactions, though there are still times when a physical signature is necessary. But there are eSignature apps with extra features like audit trails, encryptions & know who is signing to make the document and signatures more valid and secure, which is better than signing on a paper. If you're curious, you might want to check out Evia Sign