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  • Have you tried marketing in LinkedIn? Any tips you learned?

    hafid Ahlaqach
    9 replies


    Shokat Ali
    Effective way to connect with the right person
    Nikhil Sharma
    a tips i learned that, share only things that have learning stuff, i found learning stuff have more engagement than any other related to field or niche
    Jasper Ruijs
    Growth Hackers Guide To Producthunt
    Growth Hackers Guide To Producthunt
    LI ads are expansive compared to FB. The lead form is on the better-converting mechanisms. Your hook has to be 10x.
    LinkedIn is about personal connections so be a person and not a brand.
    Ajay Yadav
    on LinkedIn people are mostly looking for jobs, so if the product comes under it . you can't expect unemployed people to spend money 😜
    Ahmad Ali
    Don't spam on LinkedIn! It can be a great place if you are building real connections and adding real value.
    Barnee Lloyd
    From the research we did, paid LinkedIn marketing is only valuable if you can afford to do highly targeted remarketing. Ie, being certain you can target the same person many times with the same ad. Remarketing has a significantly high ROI if you can pull it off. But users often need to see the same advertisement 5+ times (often more) before they will trust it. ... Of course it depends on what your product is too, and whether your product has a high enough value (or lifetime expected value) for the acquisition cost required. Otherwise the most reliable is to post regular, and useful, content. Something we need to pick back up on now! Thanks for the reminder!!
    Said Aitmbarek
    @barneelloyd Super insightful comment mate, thank you! Wasn't aware remarketing was that important on LI
    Rebecca Tany
    I also want to know this, I'm here for learning