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  • Have you noticed a decline in your ability to concentrate or focus on tasks?

    Iqra Arif
    25 replies
    Difficulty concentrating is a common symptom of burnout. How do you manage such situations?


    Nathan Luke
    I’ve noticed a dip too. I’ve started using focus timers to break works into chunk
    M Anees
    Yeah!, I've noticed my mind wandering more lately.
    Robert K Simpson
    Sometime! Then I take a break to refresh my mind
    Derek Liu
    I do, especially since I joined PH, and there are many tasks I need to complete to prepare for my first launch.
    Stephen Maden
    Definitely, Its like my brain is on vacation without me 😂😂
    Steward Edison
    My focus is as sharp as knife
    Nathan Covey
    It's a constant battle
    Denis Eckblad
    For me, it’s been about balancing screen time. I’ve been trying to take more frequent breaks away from screens and do something physical, like a quick walk, to reset my focus.
    Kate Dalessi
    That decline is a generational problem. Thank you, cheap dopamine form social media, now we can't focus on anything that takes longer that 30 seconds to watch
    Mindy Mcconaghy
    Yes, I’ve definitely notice my focus slipping lately. I think all the screen time and constant notifications are a big part of it.
    Cedric Jude Hawthorne
    Yeah, definitely noticed the same thing. I find my focus drifting more easily these days, especially when working on tedious or mentally draining tasks. Been trying to take more frequent short breaks to reset my mind, which seems to help a bit. Curious what others have found useful for improving concentration!
    Arslan Ali
    Yes, I've noticed it especially during stressful times. I try to manage it by taking regular breaks and practicing mindfulness.
    Tariq Waseem
    I noticed it last year, and it was because of Vitamin B12 deficiency.
    George Rosevear
    I’ve had the same issue! I used to able for focus hours, but now I get distracted so easily. I’ve started doing meditation and setting timers for tasks to help, but it’s definitely a challenge
    Isabel Hely
    Definitely! I find that setting specific goals and using productivity techniques like the Pomodoro method helps me stay focused.
    Cary Montrose
    It feels like my attention span has gotten shorter over time. I’m trying to use apps that block distractions, but sometimes I wonder if it’s just the way things are now with all the tech around us.
    jonah muye
    Yes, it’s been a challenge for me as well. I’m trying to improve my focus by practicing mindfulness.
    Martin Gulp
    Definitely. I find that working in short bursts and then resting help a lot
    Yeah I’ve noticed it lately. I’ve been trying to break tasks into smaller chunks to help stay on track.
    Elido Dial
    A bit I’m experimenting with different productivity techniques to see what works best for me.