Have you ever witnessed ChatGPT hallucinating?

Ujjwal Singh Baghel
5 replies
ChatGPT can sometimes generate outputs that seem detached from reality, a phenomenon often termed as "hallucination". This happens when the model produces responses that don't align with the facts or the given input, creating an illusion of understanding or generating fictional or erroneous information.


Kyle DeSana
Not as much as before (I think). I used to ask product related questions about features, releases, etc. and sometimes it would straight up lie. Now I use the integrated Bing feature and ask to cite sources, seems to help.
not as much as it used to.
James Sukosd
Yes, I asked it to analyze the data and create a Football score based on the info provided just to see how it does. Then I asked it to summarize the scores provided in the chat previously and it gave teams and scores from different sports lol
Alexandr Builov
That's an interesting point, Ujjwal! 🤔 ChatGPT's 'hallucinations' can definitely come off as puzzling or even funny at times. 😄 Do you think these quirks are part of its charm or something to hammer out in future iterations? 🛠 Guys, what are your thoughts? 👀 Please upvote if you'd like to discuss this more! 👍