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  • Have you ever sold something, before it was built? πŸ€” πŸ‘·

    Casper Brix
    29 replies
    I always built the bare minimum product before trying to sell it. At least, when it is possible. What have you done? Curious to hear! πŸ˜ƒ


    Kaushik Mukherjee
    Percept Pixel
    Percept Pixel
    Launching soon!
    While it might be tempting to sell something that is yet to be built, I think this approach has its perils. Especially in software engineering things can get complicated very quickly. You might find yourself spending more time than what you should and in case the deal does not get closed it's a double whammy. Long story short - not a good idea.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I try to not promise things in advance. At least, I need to be sure that I can deliver what I promise. In those circumstances, I would do it. But I rather build in public approach in the last months because I can get feedback, and improve what I have, people actively shape my direction and follow my journey. It is natural for them to support me when they see my work in progress and track records. I haven't come up with anything better for now. πŸ˜… While it works, it is good.
    Casper Brix
    @busmark_w_nika Good idea building in public! What's the latest your building if people want to follow? :D
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @casper_brix I build only my media presence which is monetisable – in a way of sponsored newsletter. :D
    Piotr Bartoszek
    Not really, I’d rather take the time to build something solid, test it, and know for sure it’s going to deliver great value.
    Casper Brix
    @piotr_bartoszek Makes sense! Of course, this also increases the risk of a not having a clear product market fit for a lot of businesses
    Piotr Bartoszek
    @casper_brix that’s why I am launching soon πŸ˜‰ Hopefully, designers on PH will evaluate if my small side project makes sense
    Love Ricci
    I did NOT even after it's BUILT 😹😹😹
    Divya Ladha
    I personally haven't done it, but I have seen people do it and in general also, there are a lot of examples for the same, where pitchers sell their idea or for ask funding based just on their idea and in reality there is no product or service ready to sell.
    Tom Rudnai
    I've done this with Beta customers. I've also sold functionality on a more mature product that is still to be delivered. I'd always say be 100% transparent, though. Obviously for ethical reasons but also, long term the reputational damage you'll do your business will do more harm than the upside of booking revenue. Depends on the product or feature too, and the level of risk in the build!
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    No, I have not but I think that would be such a cool flex to have haha.
    Wesley Vaughn
    Yeah, I've definitely sold something before is was fully built. I put together a concept, some mockups, and a vision that people could buy into. Once I had a few early commitments, it motivated me to build the actual product. It's risky but exciting!
    Lillian Blake
    Once I sold a service once before I had a real process in place. The customer loved the idea, and I built it around their needs. I definitely added some pressure, but I learned a ton. Would I do it again? Maybe with some tweaks!
    Edwin Lambert
    I've done it once or twice. It's all about convincing people of the value, even if the product isn't ready. A lot of SaaS startups do this it’s almost like building as you go with user feedback. Just make sure you can actually deliver!
    Hi Casper! Interesting question. Once, I pitched an idea for a mobile app to a small business owner before writing a single line of code. I just had some rough sketches and explained how it could help his sales. To my surprise, he loved it and agreed to invest upfront. That commitment really motivated me to build it quickly! Sometimes, taking that leap can lead to great opportunities, right? Have you ever found that selling first influenced how you developed the product afterward?
    Terrence Kelleman
    like "I got this idea for a bridge to sell you", no not yet but teach me!
    Launching soon!
    Personally, I think I may have done it before πŸ˜‚ I have been influenced by my boss to 'sell first and figure out later' 🀣 It works especially when you're starting out since you get to explore different things and discover what you're good at (and what you're not)! It also helps you improve and make sure you deliver in the end. But now, I also do the bare minimum before trying to sell so it saves me time and effort! 🀩
    I think it's important that you figure out the value of what you're building to other people, whether it's before you build it or after you build it.
    Indu Thangamuthu
    Yes 😝 while software was under development. Managed with prototype to explain details and progress, before the product was ready.
    Jagriti Shreya
    Yes... is what every Enterprise Software sales rep will say 🀫
    Rayyan Jawed
    Good ideas can be sold! :P
    Nathan Covey
    Yes. I do it all the time. It seems scary but it's way better than spending hundreds of hours building something no one wants.
    Nifal Adam
    Oh, Casper, you're diving into the entrepreneurial waters with a splash! Selling something before it's built, huh? That's like promising a unicorn to someone and then figuring out how to catch one πŸ˜‚