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  • Have you ever experienced burnout? Let's share some tips about overcoming it

    Ezgi Aydın
    12 replies
    What do you do when you feel overworked? What are your solutions to feel better?


    Anastasiia K
    Just let it burn :D Joke, of course. I personally think I've never experienced a complete burnout, yet was catching myself on the first symptoms of it. At such moments I do change the activity - e.g. from work to walk. It is also important to remind yourself that you are a human, and it is absolutely normal to get tired. It is absolutely normal to feel like doing nothing sometimes.
    Ezgi Aydın
    @anastasiiahere we tend to forget that we are human I guess. Not every day will be full of productivity and it is normal to feel tired after work
    Anastasiia K
    @ezgi_aydin Exactly, despite the desire of doing this right and best and most efficiently, it's good to remember that the evolution of humankind took hundreds and hundreds of years and the current human being 101 (of 21st century) is dealing with the boom of information and social media overload where people try to look "the best" while feeling very empty, tired at times. So if someone looks hyper productive and picture perfect online, most likely the burnout of this person is on the way... thus, personally to me, your question about burnout was right on point, as I recently started to sense the first symptoms and now trying to take some things slow and nice.
    Ezgi Aydın
    @anastasiiahere Good for you, it is such an important skill to be able to see the signs of burnout before it happens. Take care!
    Oscar Wehbe
    When I feel overworked I waste time when I should be working. I refresh myself by completely removing myself from work with some other activity.
    Ezgi Aydın
    @oscar_wehbe that is a great idea. Sometimes all we need is a little break
    Steven Birchall
    Ideally best thing to do if you're burnt out is to take some time off and switching off, however if that isn't possible, you just need to try and shift your priorities and make some time for yourself. From experiencing burn out in previous jobs, I thankfully know the early warning signs, so will work with my managers and team to see when I can just refresh (even if it's just a long weekend or a few half days) and do whatever I need to feel balanced again (for me, it's usually running, lots and lots of running)
    Ezgi Aydın
    @stevenbirchall it is really important to know and catch those early signs. I too prefer to take a break and try to feel balanced (which never involves running more like sitting down and reading a good book)
    Murali Gottumukkala
    For me a burnout happens when they are too many pending items, once that happens, I just prioritize tasks and complete one at a time
    Ezgi Aydın
    @murali_aasaan having too many tasks at once stresses me out. I definitely should learn about prioritizing
    Kevïe Blúrse
    Overwork doesn’t just lead to exhaustion and burnout. The story of being overworked is literally one of diminishing returns. Time and time again, research has discovered that our productivity falls off a cliff after a certain number of hours worked. No one benefits from being overworked. Yet we still do it (and do it to ourselves!) To save our minds and our bodies, we need to shift our mindset from celebrating long hours and “passion” to making balance, productivity, and efficiency our gold standard. To start, we can ask for help. Next, get rid of or reduce the stressors in your workday. Finally, be realistic about what can actually get done in a day. All of us are susceptible to what’s called the Planning Fallacy—a cognitive bias that makes us over optimistic about how much we can get done in a day. Realistically speaking, most knowledge workers only have 2.5-3 hours a day of productive time. Try to plan your day and make your daily schedule around that rather than assuming you have 8 hours at your disposal. I hope this helps
    Ezgi Aydın
    @kevie_blurse thank you it was very helpful