Has AI improved your creativity or not?

Anil Yarimca
5 replies


Xavier JJ
Yes! Not only creativity but motivation and productivity as well!
100% Canva is my go to
Anil Yarimca
@marianna_nk Thanks for sharing, Marianna! Canva's AI-driven tools do wonders for creativity, right? It's amazing how technology like AI can enhance our creative processes.
Gurkaran Singh
Hey there, fellow tech enthusiast! As someone who's immersed in the world of data science and embedded programming, I can definitely say that AI has had an interesting impact on my creativity. While some may argue that AI stifles human creativity, I like to think of it as a trusty sidekick that helps me explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of what I can achieve. So, to answer the age-old question - has AI improved my creativity? Absolutely. It's like having a digital brainstorming buddy that never gets tired (or thirsty for coffee). How about you? Have you felt the AI magic sparking your creativity lately? Let's chat! "