Hard work or Smart Work?

Mark Lemuel M
41 replies
The ongoing debate about whether success is achieved through sheer effort and persistence (hard work) or by strategic thinking and efficiency (smart work). It underscores the balance between diligence and innovation in achieving goals and overcoming challenges. I know some will answer "both is important" but how will it go in the long run? share your opinions.


Adeeb Malik
I know we can go on and on about which one's better. I'll just share something one of my teachers told me back in school. Q. Adeeb, can hard work beat talent? A. No, sir Statement: When you're sleeping, someone's working. And if you and him/her collide one fine day, no matter how talented you are, you'll be blown away. Coming to the choice between the two, I leave it to thy judgment (Cause, I still can't pick 😅)!
Mark Lemuel M
@adeeb_malik Like Andrew Tate once said " You cannot know how talented you are at a specific skill if you don't put yourself in the limits of how your skill works." and that is one of the most impactful thing that applied my skill today as a music engineer. in your marketing, how do you prefer the perseverance?
Adeeb Malik
@kilopolki in Marketing, as the profession is all about trying, failing, learning, until you succeed. As you quoted, I just go at it everyday with full impact, driven by insanity to achieve it, and composure to know when things are going different, and just accepting my mistakes and moving ahead. That’s me.
William Woods
Smart work with hard work
Mark Lemuel M
@william_woods yup it works! in your perspective, how doable to a normal person is no code app?
Ksenia Meshkova
Hey Mark! Philosophical question😁 Smart work I think, because it's easier to find someone who will do the hard work for you. I think you can do a lot of hard work for nothing if you don't combine it with smart work. It's like Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak: Who would they be on their own?
Mark Lemuel M
@kksrm yup this is true somehow sushi! (i love sushi lol) anyways, the smart ones always one step ahead on every league! how do you perform one step ahead of competition as a UX designer?
Ksenia Meshkova
@kilopolki haha, me too:) Maybe this is a silly thought (I'm tired and my brain isn't working well), but I think UX = smart work and UI = hard work, (of course it's not the case 100% of the time). I believe optimization is the key to success for every product designer, and optimization can't be done without smart work. Design optimization is an infinite process of analysis.
David Murray
Smart work make hard work easy
Mark Lemuel M
@david_muray true! often times, it is the ability of someone to be consistent by working smart rather than hard (mind over matter) in your QA, how do you perform smartwork?
Joséphine Roux
I'd say smart work is key! Working hard is important, but blindly grinding away isn't always the most effective approach. Focusing on the right tasks, using the best tools, and delegating where possible can help you achieve more in less time.
Mark Lemuel M
@josephine_roux this is true, one mentor told me that half of your problems are already solved by just writing it down and performing it one by one. in your experience as a manager , how do you perform management?
Léo Fournier
This is a great question! In my experience, it's not really hard work or smart work, but a combination of both. You need to put in the dedicated effort hard work to get things done, but you also need to be strategic and efficient smart work to maximize your results.
Mark Lemuel M
@leo_fournier yes, I also believe strongly in the power of compounding, especially when you focused more on strategy and planning along the way before execution. failing is important to chase outmost perfection! in your digital content , how do you perform such tasks?
James Ramos
smart and hard work :)
Mark Lemuel M
@james_ramos2 TRUEEE! as a full stack and data analytic, how do you perform hard and smart work?
Pratheek Adi
Smart work all the way!
Anthony Wright
Both hard work and smart work are crucial, but it depends on the context. Hard work ensures dedication and perseverance in achieving goals, while smart work emphasizes efficiency and strategic thinking to maximize outcomes.
Victoire Mathieu
I believe in a blend of both hard work and smart work. Hard work lays the foundation of effort and commitment, while smart work leverages planning and innovation to achieve results more effectively.
Mark Lemuel M
@victoire_mathieu yes I believe on that too. in your perspective, how do you maintain relationships with your clients in your grinding atmosphere?
Ulysse Renaud
For me, it's about balancing hard work with smart work. Hard work builds discipline and resilience, while smart work focuses on leveraging resources and optimizing processes to achieve goals more efficiently.
Mark Lemuel M
@ulysse_renaud true! as an operations coordinator, how do you apply these strategy on your behalf?
Always go for smart work!
Business Marketing with Nika
THe combo of both would be ideal. But it is not so easy oftentimes.
Mark Lemuel M
@busmark_w_nika this is true. I know for a fact that you are a hard worker Nika and you will go very far in life! I can see how active you are in social media! but yes, as there were saying that "If it was easy, anyone can do it"
Business Marketing with Nika
@kilopolki I hope you are right about it. Because sometimes I feel like doing many things but there is no outcome. 😅
Henry Sanchez
Smart work often leads to faster results by finding the most effective methods, but hard work is essential for building resilience and mastery. Balancing both can help you achieve your objectives more effectively and sustainably.
Mark Lemuel M
@henry_sachez true sir that is an absolute fact! as an Reseach analyst, how do you apply those methods?
Gaspard Dupuich
Hard work is about putting in the hours and dedication, while smart work focuses on strategy and optimization. Ideally, blending both approaches allows you to work efficiently without sacrificing quality or results.
Mark Lemuel M
@gaspard_dupuich I can see the resilience in hardwork and the tactical advantage of smart work, applied both and you can be an unstoppable weapon of success. in your Legal sir, how do you maintain such efficiency using those methods?
Ethan Young
Smart work leverages efficiency and innovation to achieve goals, but hard work lays the foundation. A combination of both ensures not only success but sustainable progress. It's about working smartly while putting in the necessary effort.
Mark Lemuel M
@ethan_yung true sir. As a cyber sec analyst , how do you apply those methods in your life and how do you manage that in your clients?
Ditarth Desai
Both hard work and smart work are important.
Mark Lemuel M
@ditarth_wbs yup! I hope when your product launches soon! all of these will be applied to the project with love! hope to see your app soon!
Aayushi Singh
Smartly working hard
You need to do both. We are living in interesting times where a best of both is required.
Mark Lemuel M
@vaibhavdwivedi yup! we also live in the world where there is a large containment of distractions, and being able to coupe up with a lot of it makes you a legend of your own self control. which makes a great great business CEO's