Hacks to optimise your information diet?

Joshua Wöhle
6 replies
A recent discussion with a friend resulted in a thought about how "You become the average of the content you expose yourself to" and in a world of information overload, too many leave that exposure up to #chance. Borrowing from the adage "You become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with", the quantity of information we have to deal with on a daily basis has a strong shaping effect on how we see and interact with the world. So it made me wonder how others deal with this. Personally, I deleted Facebook and Instagram from my phone, spending more time with evergreen, quality #content where I can. How about you?


To optimize your information diet, focus on quality over quantity. Choose reliable sources such as this site https://betterme.world/articles/... and diverse perspectives. Regularly assess your consumption habits and adjust accordingly. Remember, balance is key for mental well-being.
I still use Instagram but I do monitor the kind of posts I see. I agree with you "You become the average of the content you expose yourself to". I use an app-blocking application that helps me control my phone usage. I also keep Kindle near to me if in case I feel like picking up my phone. Reading a good book is way better than scrolling through a phone.
Joshua Wöhle
@rach_ana love the idea of "reading a good book is way better than scrolling through a phone". Totally agree
Philip Snyder
Instagram and Youtube (at least the app) are gone I use this on my computer https://chrome.google.com/websto... Information diet heavily consists of podcasts and twitter threads + hacker news
Mary Glover
i still cant find a hack to optimise, can someone share good diet pls ?