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  • Grill my landing page, please! 🔥

    Aleksandr V
    15 replies
    Hi all, I've launched a new version (trying different options) of a landing page and somehow it does not convert properly. I watched hotjar recording and updated some parts, however, I would appreciate your honest opinion. Please roast it!🔥 https://www.insiderbuystock.com Main questions: – Is it clear what the service does? – Is the Hero section attractive? – Is there anything important missing? Thank you in advance!


    Adithyan Selvaraj
    Your website addresses everything in main questions. But still, I want to add some points, hope you'll take into consideration. 1. In Header, Menu section is having too much space and feels uneven. 2. Include user testimonials other than the last filing section. 3. Include some more sections like Why Us? How we're different from our others? What's our USP? Btw, Congrats!
    Aleksandr V
    @adithyan thank you so much! Really good points!
    Two things 1) Insider trading is illegal and has negative connotations, you might want to rethink your headline 2) "when insiders sell stock from" What exactly is an insider?
    Aleksandr V
    Hi @adeone! Thank you for your feedback! Well, insider trading is not illegal if an insider follows the law and reports the trades. E.g if Elon Musk sells his shares and declares it - it's insider trading. I absolutely got your point and will add the descriptions Thank you!
    Philip Snyder
    Top header is broken on mobile. The service is very clear though - I think you can do better than “Get insider trading emails” for that second headline. Paint a golden picture -whats in it for me?
    Aleksandr V
    Thank you @philipsnyder! Do you mean the blue button is broken? Will think about how to rephrase the slogan.
    Michael Flux
    @veryayskiy I reckon @philipsnyder means that the CTA button rolls over onto 2-3 lines at phone sized viewports. Looks very weird, not ideal from a usability standpoint.
    It is clear what it does. The screenshot on the right looks too busy, like some chat window. Also I would add some social proof.
    Aleksandr V
    Thank you @sergey_kornilov1 ! Yeah, feedback shows that it is not clear that those boxes are emails that you receive when a trade happens. Need to rebuild that image.
    Michael Flux
    @veryayskiy Generally try to make it as 'skeleton' (image search 'skeleton ui') as possible - tear out everything that isn't 100% crucial to communicating what you're trying to say with it. Should be nothing more than a representation of what the product does to support the copy.
    Aleksandr V
    @michaelflux Isn't "skeleton" for loading?
    Michael Flux
    @veryayskiy Correct - so don't go all the way towards the 'loading' look, but just try to oversimplify the UI representation to the point where it only gives the user the bare minimum to understand what the product does, without distracting them. And that can be done with a couple pieces of text and a few grey boxes.
    Michael Flux
    Nav; - Make the font weight in the logo heavier, now it blends in too much with the nav items - Remove 'home' from the nav. Wastes space and it's been common practice to just make the logo/brand the link to home. - CTA - "Start a 7-day trial today" - too long while at the same time not sounding attractive enough - e.g. can shorten to "Get started for free" Hero; - As others have mentioned, 'insider trading' as a concept is illegal and raises a million red flags, avoid using that exact terminology as you're just asking for scrutiny from regulators. - Copy overall is very repetitive. Screenshot of platform is too similar in terms of readability which makes it look like a continuation of the main hero text. As result what the visitor sees is the word "Insider" repeated 14-15 (seriously, not exaggerating) times. - The screenshot is way too busy, way too much going on it - too many colours, too much text, too much random shapes, lines etc. - Ditto critique on the "Start a 7-Day Free Trial" - too long, not attractive enough. Tells be absolutely nothing about what I'll get out of it. - 'see last trades' means absolutely nothing to the visitor - if your entire pitch is '... based on your portfolio ...' why do I care what some random person bought or sold that was based on their portfolio. - clicking on the 'see last trade' scrolls to the incorrect section. - completely lack of any real social proof, makes it seem like no-one is using your product Plenty more feedback on how it works, last filings, pricing etc - but fix the hero first before touching the other sections as you're creating drop-offs the moment they hit the page before they even bother scrolling down.
    Aleksandr V
    Hi @michaelflux ! Thank you for such detailed feedback! Working on it!